Pumpkin Cashew Truffles Recipe

Something that gives me a strangely satisfying feeling is when I am efficient with my food.  I looooove finishing a bag of something or avoiding throwing something away because I was able to use it creatively.  I came up with this recipe last year to use up a small amount of pumpkin puree that was languishing in the fridge.  I usually use up small bits of pumpkin in smoothies, oatmeal, or pancakes or waffles.  But I am pretty obsessed with Bliss Balls (aka energy balls) and I knew I could probably make a pumpkin version.Continue reading

Everyday Turmeric Chicken

Photography by Devon Francis

I grew up with very limited exposure to flavor profiles outside of Italian food and “American” food, e.g. burgers and hot dogs.  I was very interested in learning more, but we didn’t eat out much and I didn’t have too many resources for recipes.  We had a lot of variety in pasta shapes and diversity in pasta sauces though!  I don’t know when I was exposed to Persian food, but I think it was well after I had moved to LA in my early 20’s.  It quickly became one of my favorite cuisines.  I just love the herbs, spices, the color and beauty of the dishes.  And I am crazy for rice!  Once, a Persian friend invited us over for dinner and she made at least two rice dishes, but with enough for 4 times as many people and so, so delicious.  I’ve always wanted someone to teach me how to make Persian food, and finally my prayers were answered.Continue reading

Pumpkin Spice Yerba Mate Latte

This blogpost is sponsored by the National Institute for Argentine Yerba Mate. All opinions are my own.

When I was at Trader Joe’s a few weeks ago and spotted the first pumpkins of the season, I felt conflicted.  Why rush it?  I feel like school has barely gotten going.  To me, pumpkins signify Halloween, which means Thanksgiving is just around the corner and we all know what comes after that!  I can’t deal.  So I am drawing the line at decorating my front yard with pumpkins, and instead embracing pumpkin bread, pumpkin swirl bars, pumpkin stew and, of course, the pumpkin spice latte.  Sort of.Continue reading

Mejadra Rice with Lentils, Greek Yogurt, and Shallots Recipe

Photography by Devon Francis

Rice and lentils are two of my favorite foods, but I love them even more when they’re paired together.  I was on a Mejadra kick the last few weeks and loved every bite. Mejadra is a Middle Eastern-Mediterranean dish of rice and lentils cooked with warming spices (not spicy) and topped with fried onions. I tried two recipes recently, one by Ottolenghi and one in the new Staub cookbook.  The Staub recipe was by far my favorite.Continue reading

Cucumber-Hummus-Turkey Roll-ups

This post is sponsored by Applegate. All opinions are my own.

It’s so nice to be back in a routine, isn’t it?  This time of year for me means regular mealtimes, a little healthier eating (watermelon, olives and rosè no longer count as a dinner), meal prep on Sundays, and making school lunches.  I will admit, school lunches throw me since my son doesn’t eat the classic lunchbox staple, a sandwich.  And many of you often message me asking for new school lunch ideas.  I have a great “recipe” for you that my son is crazy for, and so I am.  Meet the “cucumber-turkey roll-up!”Continue reading

Brown Butter Miso -Glazed Wild Salmon Recipe

This post is sponsored by Moinkbox. All opinions are my own.

When I was 10 years old, I decided to become a pescatarian.  My parents were very worried, but I am sure I ate more protein than I needed between seafood a few times a week and a daily dose of cheese.  When I went to college, I went on a date (with my now-husband) and he asked me if I wanted to try his steak.  I have no idea why I said yes (maybe I wanted to make sure there would be a another date), but I tried it and thought steak wasn’t as bad as I remembered.  Forward a few decades later and I am not loving animal protein other than seafood yet again.  And ironically, the meat-and-potatoes husband is now newly plant-based.  Life is definitely unpredictable, if nothing else.Continue reading

Salad with Burrata, Figs, and Prosciutto

This post is sponsored by Belgioioso and The Feed Feed. All opinions are my own.

I actually don’t spend as much time cooking for my family as you might think.  I have a full-time teaching schedule and I have to work hard at keeping up with my social media channels and my blog.  I obviously love cooking, but I pretty much cook all day. So when it comes time to make something for dinner for my family or on the weekends for friends, I go simple.  But the Italian in me knows that the simpler the recipe, the better the ingredients have to be.Continue reading