What are Shirataki Noodles and How do you Prepare Them?

Shirataki Noodle Stir-Fry | Pamela Salzman

Shirataki Noodle Stir-Fry | Pamela Salzman

As a cooking instructor and holistic health counselor, it’s part of my job to keep up with food trends and diets. They are constantly changing and some can be a little extreme. I know I sound like a broken record, but I do not believe that there is only one best diet out there.   The most important advice I can give anyone is to listen to your own body and how you feel when you’re eating/not eating certain foods. When I say, “listen to your body”, I don’t just mean your stomach. Pay attention to your energy level, your heart rate, digestion, your skin, nails and hair. If you eat something and get a headache every time, your body most likely isn’t processing it well. I know I’ve found the right diet for me when I feel energetic, sleep well, my brain is sharp and my skin is glowing. Everyone is different, so it is important not to jump on the new trendy diet when it claims to help you lose weight and feel amazing.Continue reading

Sautéed Apple Power Bowl Recipe

Sautéed Apple Power Bowl | Pamela Salzman

Sautéed Apple Power Bowl | Pamela Salzman

I met my husband’s grandmother, who is now 103 years old and going strong, about 30 years ago.  She had a habit of drinking only hot water all day. No lemon or lime or juice added.  Just plain hot water.  I don’t know what possessed me to follow her lead, but I did and I never looked back.  I drink warm or hot water every morning to start my day and throughout the day, if possible.  I absolutely love it.  When a waiter at a restaurant asks me what I’d like to drink, I always say ” a mug of hot water, please.  No additional glass of water is necessary.”

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Yerba Mate Cacao and Mint Tonic

This post is sponsored by the National Institute for Argentine Yerba Mate. All opinions are my own.


Over the last few years, I’ve become a little addicted to my morning tonic ritual.  It’s a little like a moving meditation where I take a few minutes and focus on the steps of brewing my tea, adding in whatever powders I crave and slowly sip my warm concoction.  I think you know I don’t drink coffee, but instead tea is my morning brew.  Lately, as I have become more familiar with adaptogens, collagen and other “boosts” as I call them, I’ve had fun experimenting with combining them with tea.Continue reading

Gingerbread Pancakes Recipe

Photography by Devon Francis

Nothing says December, winter, or Christmas to me quite like gingerbread anything. I love, love, love all those warming spices – the more, the better.  I find the combination of cinnamon, cloves, and ginger to be intoxicating.  Every year I either teach or post a new gingerbread-flavored recipe.  I have posted a vegan gingerbread (I still cannot improve this recipe and it is 9 years old), a gingerbread trifle with poached pears, gingerbread biscotti, gingerbread cut out cookies, and molasses-ginger cookies.  Last year I taught a pear-cranberry gingersnap crisp which hasn’t been posted.  Maybe next year. Oh, and gingerbread bliss balls in my cookbook!Continue reading

Jeweled Rice Recipe

‘Tis the season for show-stopping recipes and I am bringing you another favorite (after last week’s whole roasted cauliflower.) This one is inspired by the Persian “Jeweled Rice,” aka Javaher Polow.  As I understand it, Jeweled Rice is usually served at weddings, big family gatherings and even for new year’s celebrations.  The name of the dish comes from the beautiful jewel-tone colors:  gold, pearls, emeralds, and rubies.  Let me come right out and say very early into this post that this is not a traditional jeweled rice recipe.  I didn’t use saffron or barberries, and I didn’t candy my orange peels in a lot of sugar.  I also use much less oil than normal and I basically created my own, easier version of Jeweled Rice.  I didn’t say my version is better. It is different, not necessarily “authentic,” but still absolutely gorgeous and delicious. Continue reading

Whole Roasted Cauliflower with Tahini Sauce, Raisins, Hazelnuts and Green Herbs

Photography by Devon Francis

I love a showstopping dish for a holiday meal, whether it is a gorgeous and overflowing cheeseboard, a giant colorful salad brimming with jewel-toned, seasonal produce, a big, impressive dessert, or basically anything that makes my guests say “oooooh!”  The trick is to make that recipe be impressive, but still easy at the same time which can be a tall order.  Oh, and make it healthy-ish, too.  Hmmmm……Continue reading

Vegan Lentil Shepherd’s Pie Recipe

Photography by Devon Francis

I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving and that you enjoyed every moment with your loved ones.  The food took a backseat to the time I spent with my three kids and my husband, as well as family and friends.  Don’t get me wrong, I love a delicious feast, but I was beyond grateful that we were all together.  I took the rest of the weekend “off” in the sense that I pulled away from social media for a few days and didn’t really cook too much.  We repurposed leftovers the entire weekend, turning turkey and green bean casserole plus homemade turkey stock into a turkey-mushroom-green bean-barley soup.  I combined leftover stuffing and eggs for a strata of sorts. And I made a huge braised root vegetable salad with fresh greens and a light vinaigrette.  My daughters got creative with pumpkin pie, frozen bananas and almond milk for smoothies as well as cranberry sauce on yogurt. In my notes for next year’s Thanksgiving, I will put in all caps that I make too many desserts!Continue reading

Sumac-Spiced Chicken with Pomegranate Glaze Recipe

This post is sponsored by Moink Box. All opinions are my own.

‘Tis the season for entertaining!  I know many people toss aside the clean eating when they invite friends over for a dinner party, but I am not that way.  I love the opportunity to share healthy food with those I care about.  And I also notice that more and more people are trying to eat “better” and are relieved when they don’t have to eat outside whatever plan they have committed to. I recently had a dinner party and everything I made was fresh and whole foods-based, nothing heavy or over-the-top.  My friends were delighted to leave feeling satisfied, but not regretful!
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