How to Upgrade Basic Dip

I hope you have all been enjoying a lovely holiday season.  I am especially grateful for this time of year since my oldest is home from college and our family is complete.  There’s nothing I cherish more than everyone being together, especially when we can also spend quality time with my whole family in New […]

Five friday favorites 04.17.15

I have some old and new favorites to share this week.  And in between Friday Favorites, I am posting some amazing Mexican recipes to get you ready for Cinco de Mayo.  After which comes Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, school graduations, and Father’s Day — all in the next two months!  Lots to celebrate and lots […]

Five friday favorites 3.13.15

It has been a great, but slightly exhausting week!  The change in daylight savings always throws me for a loop.  My daughter came home from college, made an appearance for a bit and then escaped to the desert with her friends.  I am feeling lucky that she graced us with her presence even if it […]

Baked Chicken with Artichokes and Capers Recipe

Something tells me that you organized cooks out there are in the midst of planning your Easter and Passover menus.  Am I right?  My mom had me on the phone the other day trying to get side dish suggestions for her traditional Easter leg of lamb.  After I spoke with her, I took a call […]

Spinach and Quinoa Salad with Feta and Dill

I know it’s still February, but I think a spring bug bit me.  The new strawberries, asparagus, sugar snap peas and artichokes were calling my name last weekend at the farmer’s market and I felt myself thinking ahead to the next season. Just noticing that the sun is setting later and later is making me […]