Sweet Potato Toasts | Pamela Salzman

Sweet Potato Toasts Recipe

There are some food trends that I can’t embrace.  Unicorn everything, please go away.  And although it looks cute, I also have no time to cut my fruit into 1/2-inch star shapes and slide them into ombre parfaits. If someone would like to make me such parfait though, I would be over the moon.

Dinner Planner: Week of July 9th

I had a much-needed 4-day weekend last weekend where I did absolutely nothing.  It was so great not to pressure myself to do work, clean a closet, get stuff done.  I have a tendency to not be able to relax.  I blame my father who is that way, too.  Anyway, I took a few days […]

Grilled Chicken with Cherry Tomato Vinaigrette Recipe

Do you ever smell a food or something in nature that takes you back to a time in your life or an experience you had?  For me, certain smells sum up my childhood, e.g espresso and garlic cooking in oil.  And then certain smells are specific to my childhood summers – freshly cut grass (because […]

Dinner Planner: Week of July 2nd, 2017

What a week I had!  Thank you to Seattle and Portland for showing me a great time.  I loved visiting both cities, doing TV segments, meeting people at Book Larder and Bob’s Red Mill.  I will definitely be back!  In the meantime, I will be keeping it pretty mellow this week to get back on […]

Grilled Summer Salad with Chicken and Spicy Cashew Dressing | Pamela Salzman

Grilled Summer Salad with Chicken and Spicy Cashew Dressing Recipe

I keep doing this thing where I look at the calendar and something major is tomorrow or coming up really soon.  Oh no, Father’s Day is tomorrow and I haven’t sent cards or gifts!  I am in Seattle right now and then en route to Portland, and I just realized July 4th is on Tuesday. […]