Pea and Mushroom Sauté with Mint Recipe

I receive a lot of requests for recipes – more entrees, more low-carb, more “kid-friendly” (I don’t like that phrase, by the way), and the most popular, easy.  The term easy means different things to different people. In my opinion, easy means not complicated, something that a cook of any skill level can successfully prepare. […]

Dinner Planner – Week of April 3, 2017

Mr. Picky is off for spring break, so my husband and I took him on Friday night to Park City where we will hang out for a few days.  The weather is just the way I like it – warm!  We’re skiing, going out to dinner, watching college basketball and just trying to relax a […]

Menu Ideas for Passover 2017

With Passover and Easter coming up fast, many of my students have been asking me after class what they should make for the holidays and the timing of it all.  Timing, timing, timing!!  It seems to be the reason for so much anxiety and I completely understand why.  Timing is everything! For those of you […]

Dinner Planner – Week of March 6th, 2017

Lent is upon us, so I will make sure all the Friday dinners in the next few dinner planners are fish or vegetarian.  When I was growing up, my mom used to make fish every Friday even outside of Lent.  I still think of Fridays as “Fish Fridays.”  My mother had a very methodical way of doing […]

Hashbrown and Spinach Casserole Recipe

I do not want to open a restaurant, but if I did it would be called “He Said, She Said.”  I would have a big chalkboard menu with two sides, one for dude food and one for lady food.  That way, my husband and I would always agree on a place where we could both […]