Dinner Planner — Week of May 29, 2017

                                Happy Memorial Day weekend, friends.  I always feel very pensive on Memorial Day more than other holidays.  I am so thankful to live in a free country, one that values women’s rights and free speech, among many other things. […]

Dinner Planner Week of May 1st | Pamela Salzman

Dinner Planner: Week of April 30th

I don’t really care about any other day except Friday this week because I love Mexican food and I am going all out for Cinco de Mayo this year!  I suggest you invite over a bunch of friends for a pot luck and have a fiesta yourself.  Images above are in no particular order, I’m […]

Dinner Planner: Week of April 24th

Things are feeling very spring-like lately.  It’s not just the weather and the new produce in the markets, but we are finalizing summer plans for the kids and our family as a whole.  Very exciting! Here’s the latest dinner planner to help keep you organized at the busiest time of year!

Dinner Planner: Week of April 17, 2017

Happy Easter!  I hope you are able to enjoy a relaxing day with your loved ones.  One of my fondest Easter memories is hunting for plastic eggs in the backyard and then continuing to find them months later in the summertime!  My sisters and I also used to save a few jelly beans for the […]

Thai Crunch Salad Recipe

Just taking a wee break from Passover prep and other cooking class-related work to share a recipe I know you will love.  I taught this Thai Crunch Salad in my classes a few years ago and I still hear from my students that they make it all the time.  It’s a season-less salad which is […]