Dinner Planner – Week of December 24th, 2018

My sort-of vacation starts now, so I am very excited!  I have taught my last class of 2018, scheduled my last blogpost for next week and I am almost packed to go to NY with my family to celebrate Christmas.  I say “sort-of vacation” because I am working hard on my next book, which I […]

Dinner Planner – Week of December 10th, 2018

WordPress has just done some updating, so I need a little tutorial on the new features.  Forgive any formatting glitches until I figure it all out.  For my online class students, I just filmed this month’s latest class and it will drop this coming week!!  In the meantime, here’s your dinner planner for this week: […]

Whole Roasted Cauliflower with Tahini Sauce, Raisins, Hazelnuts and Green Herbs

I love a showstopping dish for a holiday meal, whether it is a gorgeous and overflowing cheeseboard, a giant colorful salad brimming with jewel-toned, seasonal produce, a big, impressive dessert, or basically anything that makes my guests say “oooooh!”  The trick is to make that recipe be impressive, but still easy at the same time which […]

Dinner Planner – Week of November 12th, 2018

With Thanksgiving less than 2 weeks away, now is a great time to do a test-run of any recipes you would like to include on your holiday menu, but have never made before.  I will not actually be cooking this week because my husband and I will be following the Fasting Mimicking Diet, a 5-day […]

Dinner Planner – Week of October 29th, 2018

This was a great week!  I was in NY for a few days and spent some time with my family.  I also cooked the chipotle turkey chili from my cookbook in an Instagram Live at The Feed Feed.  You can find that footage here if you missed it. And, I taped a fantastic segment with […]