Baked zucchini fries recipe

My kids can’t get enough of these zucchini fries and I can’t get enough of hearing them beg me for vegetables!  After I returned home from New York last week, my son, the one and only Mr. Picky, said, “I don’t know what you’re making for dinner this week, but please include zucchini fries!”  Pinch […]

Five Friday Favorites 07.17.15

Hey, everyone!  Happy Friday!!  Isn’t summer the best?  I hope you’re enjoying these beautiful days and nights.  I wanted to share a few things I’ve been talking about in my classes lately.  I know you’ll love them all! Terro Fruit Fly Trap I honestly can only think of one downside to all of the delicious […]

Red, White and Blue Popsicles Recipe (fruit-based, all natural)

Everyone in my family has drunk my Kool-Aid, so to speak.  My husband and my teenage daughters all have bought into my way of eating for the most part, understanding the connection between what they eat and how they feel (and in the case of my daughters, how they look.)  Although my 11-year-old son, whom I […]

Fourth of July Menu Ideas

I had a different post planned for this weekend, but I after I received A LOT of emails from my students asking for 4th of July menu suggestions, I knew I had to address this!  There’s really no simple answer to that question because everyone has different tastes and expectations.  Some people like a straight-forward […]

Whole grain banana bread with almond pulp recipe

Something I really hate to do is to waste food.  One of the reasons I plan out a week of meals is that I can shop accordingly and only buy what I know I will use.  But what about that leftover almond pulp?  Despite my best efforts to use up the almond byproduct that results […]