Five Friday Favorites 12.18.15

Happy holidays, friends!  I thought I would squeeze in another Friday Favorites before Christmas.  I heard this weekend is the busiest shopping time of the year.  For me, it’s one of the busiest baking times of the year!  I have already made 4 batches of granola for all the teachers and sent those off yesterday and […]

Whole Grain and Almond Pulp Apple Quick Bread Recipe

I know not all of you are making your own almond milk and therefore aren’t desperate for almond pulp recipes.  But believe it or not, it’s one of the most common SOS’s I receive in my email inbox.  “More uses for almond pulp, please!”  “I have a freezer full — HELP!”  Believe me, I’m in […]

five friday favorites 08.28.15

I think there are three “new years.”  The first is obviously January 1, the beginning of the calendar year.  The second is the first day of spring, nature’s new year when nature has a rebirth of sorts and we ourselves may find ourselves making a clean, fresh start.  And then there’s my third new year, BACK […]

Chocolate-chia-raspberry popsicles recipe

This is the last hurrah before school starts and then the recipes start getting more serious.  Throughout the summer, I’ve assembling more than cooking, presenting meals at irregular hours, winging it a bit.  But with the first day of school looming, I know I have to get my act together and have a plan for […]

Five Friday Favorites 07.31.15

Here’s my summer conundrum:  I teach a little less in the summer which gives me more free time, so then I make a huge list of projects and stuff I’ve always wanted to get done (e.g. scan all the kids’ artwork and frame it), but then realize I need a break and cross nothing off […]