Dinner Planner – Week of September 2nd, 2019

Happy Labor Day Weekend!  I hope this weekend will be an easy transition to fall.  I will be back to making early morning breakfasts, school lunches and trying to keep everyone’s immune systems strong (we’ll start popping Wellness Formula daily.)  I also get back to teaching regular classes next week.  My online classes are not […]

Farro with Golden Beets, Cucumber, Feta and Mint Vinaigrette recipe

I recently made this recipe from deep in my archives.  It’s always on the summer rotation, but this last time I decided to tweak the vinaigrette a little to make it punchier – yum! Even better.  And while I was at it, I re-photographed the dish since the blog photos needed a facelift.  I thought […]

Dinner Planner – Week of August 5, 2019

I just returned to Los Angeles after a magical 3 weeks away.  I was really able to unplug and step away from work the whole time.  Now my inboxes are flooded and I have to get back to reality!  Just as important, I’m excited to be back in my kitchen and returning to my regular […]

Dinner Planner – Week of July 22nd, 2019

Goodbye, Portugal.  We’ll be back!  My older daughter was able to join us for our last full day in Portugal and now we’re making our way over to Spain to pick up my son (aka Mr. Picky) who has been there for almost 5 weeks.  We are so excited to see him! I have eaten […]

Dinner Planner Week of July 8th, 2019

I hope you are in the midst of a fabulous holiday weekend.  I am taking my relaxing very seriously if you must know ;).  My older daughter came home from Dallas and accompanied my husband and me to our friends’ house in Montecito for a few days and other than writing this blog post, I […]