Dinner Planner – Week of February 24th, 2020

This week is the beginning of Lent.  My mother used to make us give up something for the 40 days of Lent.  We thought we were funny by saying we’d give up liver (ugh, she actually made it!) or boiled Brussels sprouts. After a lot of back and forth, my mother would ask us to […]

Dinner Planner – Week of January 27th, 2020

I had a long but great week!  Something that I will share with you and only you since you are reading this is that I just filmed a few on-demand classes for the Food Network Kitchen App!!  I mean, talk about a dream come true!  Teaching healthy recipes is my bread and butter, so to […]

Dinner Planner – Week of January 13th, 2020

I am FINALLY feeling better. Not 100%, but going in the right direction and better each day.  I only have a lingering cough which shows up at 8:00 pm every night until I fall asleep.  I can’t explain it.  Again, I improve a little every day.  Thank you for all your messages and words of […]

Dinner Planner – Week of December 23rd, 2019

And we’re off!  First stop, Long Island to celebrate Christmas with my family. I’ll be on stories the whole week, cooking up a storm!  Then, Utah to meet up with my husband’s family to ski for a few days. I was talking to a few friends this week about eating and drinking during the holidays […]

Dinner Planner – Week of November 11th, 2019

I just finished my first week of Thanksgiving classes and I am really excited for the holiday!  I need to finalize my own menu which is such a challenge because I like introducing new recipes to the menu, but I never know what to take off.  The online version of this class has been uploaded […]