Chipotle Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Mexican Inspired Brussels Sprouts | Pamela Salzman
Mexican Inspired Brussels Sprouts | Pamela Salzman
Photos by Erica Hampton

I know many of you have been anxiously anticipating this recipe after seeing it on Instagram.  Brussels sprouts have been the “it” vegetable in the last decade.  I am probably like most of you who grew up eating frozen Brussels sprouts that were then boiled and basically were the most awful thing my mother put in front of us.  I hated Brussels sprouts for years and years until I don’t know who (probably Ina Garten) discovered that we could roast Brussels sprouts and then they would be insanely addictive.  No one even mentioned the fact that Brussels sprouts are also insanely good for you!Continue reading

Moroccan Roasted Carrots with Orange Recipe

Moroccan Roasted Carrots with Orange | Pamela Salzman

Moroccan Roasted Carrots with Orange | Pamela Salzman

If you follow me on Instagram and you watch my Instagram stories, you have probably seen me shop at Trader Joe’s and Whole foods, in addition to some local markets.  I don’t buy too much produce at Trader Joe’s because most of their stuff is not local and I have access to a lot of great local produce at farmers markets.  But I do love the organic rainbow carrots at Trader Joe’s.  They make the ordinary, but nutritious carrot, seem extra special.

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Lemony Chickpea Soup Recipe

Lemony Chickpea Soup | Pamela Salzman

Lemony Chickpea Soup | Pamela Salzman

It’s soup season!  I made my first pot tonight and even though I’m a warm weather gal, I am also crazy for soups.  I’ll make two soups a week minimum.  They’re easy, healthful, and so many rely on pantry staples, like this Lemony Chickpea Soup I developed for Clean Eating Magazine a few years ago. So flavorful, super rich texture, and loaded with fiber and protein!

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Cauliflower with Tomatoes, Dill and Capers Recipe

Cauliflower with Tomatoes, Dill and Capers | Pamela Salzman

This recipe is an oldie, but goodie! Remember when everyone was like, “Ottolenghi who?”  I bought Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi’s first book and knew they were going places with their emphasis on beautiful, veggie-forward, fresh looking recipes which happened to be vegetarian.  This recipe is adapted from their first book, “Ottolenghi.”

Cauliflower with Tomatoes, Dill and Capers | Pamela Salzman

I pretty much can’t get enough of cauliflower.  It used to be a fall/winter vegetable in my book, but now I eat it all year in so many different forms.  Cherry tomatoes, on the other hand, are strictly a summer/early fall ingredient.  So this recipe is one I have been making in September for many years.  I have served it at almost every Rosh Hashana luncheon, as well as weeknight dinners with a piece of salmon or a wedge of frittata.

Cauliflower with Tomatoes, Dill and Capers | Pamela Salzman

In Ottolenghi’s recipe, the cauliflower is charred, but I prefer to keep the flavor really clean with just a simple blanching. The result is a bright salad with herbaceous dill and a tangy mustard-caper dressing.  It’s so good and I am contemplating how else I can use this delectable dressing.

Cauliflower with Tomatoes, Dill and Capers | Pamela Salzman

When I make this for the holidays, I prep everything the day before and keep the spinach separate until just before serving so it doesn’t get wilty and discolored.  I know everyone is looking at this for Christmas with all the red and green.  I might consider buying cherry tomatoes out of season just once.

Cauliflower with Tomatoes, Dill and Capers | Pamela Salzman

In the meantime, give this a go sooner rather than later and embrace the best of summer and fall!

Cauliflower with Tomatoes, Dill and Capers | Pamela Salzman

Cauliflower with Tomatoes, Dill and Capers Recipe
Serves: 4-6
  • 2 Tablespoons capers, drained and roughly chopped
  • 1 Tablespoon French wholegrain mustard
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • ⅓ cup unrefined, cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil + 1 Tablespoon, divided
  • 1 small-medium cauliflower, cut into bite-size florets (about 4 cups)
  • 2 Tablespoons chopped dill
  • 2 ounces baby spinach leaves
  • 20 cherry tomatoes, halved
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  1. Steam the cauliflower florets until tender or blanche in salted boiling water, about 3 or 4 minutes. Drain thoroughly in a colander and run under cold water to stop the cooking process. Allow to dry.
  2. To make the dressing: combine the capers, mustard, garlic, vinegar, ½ teaspoon sea salt and some black pepper. Whisk briskly while slowly adding the ⅓ cup oil. Taste for seasoning.
  3. Heat 1 Tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat in a large skillet. Add the cauliflower and sauté until hot and just starting to brown. Transfer to a serving bowl. While the cauliflower is still hot, add the dressing, dill, spinach and tomatoes. Stir together well, then taste for seasoning.
  4. Serve warm or at room temperature.


Breakfast Salad with Potatoes, Bacon and Eggs Recipe

Breakfast Salad | pamela salzman
Photographs by Laney Schwartz

I finally arrived in Chicago after a very unfortunate flight which was diverted to another airport for several hours until a storm passed through O’Hare airport. I am only here until after my segment on “Good Day, Chicago” tomorrow morning.  I’m on around 9:20 am, so tune in if you live in Chicago!  I decided to make this a quick trip because I have barely been home this summer and I have been away from my family a lot.

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Mexican Lasagne Recipe

Mexican Lasagne | Pamela Salzman

Mexican Lasagne | Pamela Salzman

I almost fell off my chair when I was scrolling through my Instagram feed this morning and saw all the first day of school pictures.  Whoa!  I thought it was still summer.  Is it just me, or did your schools start the day after Labor Day when you were a kid?  My girls go back to college this weekend, which is normal for college, but my son’s school is quite traditional (thankfully) and begins September 5th.Continue reading

Warm banana sundaes with coconut crumble recipe

Warm Banana Sundaes with Coconut Crumble | Pamela Salzman
Warm Banana Sundaes with Coconut Crumble | Pamela Salzman
Photos by Erica Hampton

I make a lot of simple fruit desserts like crisps, roasted or grilled fruit with sauces or ice cream, and fruit salads with shaved dark chocolate, just to name a few examples.  I always use fruit that’s in season because it tastes a million times better than the same fruit when it’s not in season.  And there are other reasons too like the fact that produce in season is less expensive, is usually locally grown, and therefore better for the environment and contains more nutrients.  So many benefits to simply choosing fruit that’s in season.

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