Sweet and Spicy Glazed Sweet Potato Recipe

Sweet and Spicy Glazed Sweet Potatoes | Pamela Salzman

Sweet and Spicy Glazed Sweet Potatoes | Pamela Salzman

You know that friend that you can invite to any party, be your companion at any event, who can get along with anyone and everyone, even with people who are polar opposites?  Sweet potatoes are that friend.  I mean obviously if you look hard enough, you’ll find someone (ahem, Hubby) who doesn’t appreciate how cool and nice and smart your friend is, but they’re just shallow and not open-minded. Ok, just kidding!  But the fact is that with all the “diets” in current circulation, e.g. Paleo, grain-free, Whole30, vegan, plant-based, lectin-avoidance, to name a few, I think sweet potatoes are one of the only foods that are considered “approved.”Continue reading

Mushroom and Leek Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust Recipe and My Online Cooking Classes

Mushroom and Leek Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust | Pamela Salzman

Mushroom and Leek Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust | Pamela Salzman

I had a wonderful few days in NY.  It was a perfect balance of fun (spending time with my family) and work, which was also fun!  Thank you to The Feed Feed, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Keri Glassman and Nutritious Life, and Real Simple Magazine for the great live collaborations.  Hopefully you guys were able to catch some of the segments, but if not, my goal is to jump on Instagram Live from my kitchen today and/or tomorrow while I am cooking for Passover.Continue reading

Greek-style Grilled Chicken Paillard Recipe

Greek-style Grilled Chicken Paillard | Pamela Salzman
Greek-style Grilled Chicken Paillard | Pamela Salzman
This post is sponsored by MOINK Box.  All opinions expressed are my own.

I like to plan ahead, even if things don’t always work out that way.  Sometimes half the fun is in the planning, such as a vacation or an upcoming weekend.  And sometimes the anticipation is better than the reality LOL!  I do a lot of food planning – classes, family meals for the week, and holidays, for example.  It’s truly one of my favorite things to do and I love thinking about how everyone will enjoy a particular meal or recipe.Continue reading

St. Patrick’s Day Green Breakfast Cookies Recipe

I hope I’m squeezing in this recipe in time for your St. Patrick’s Day baking!  I know how much fun it is to surprise the kiddos with green treats on St. Patrick’s Day.  I have had amazing feedback from the “green” recipes I have posted in the past.  If you’re new here, you must check out these green muffins, this vegan mint chip smoothie, green pancakes, and this matcha chia pudding parfait. If you’re looking for something savory, I always make this vegan split pea and barley soup with whole wheat Irish soda bread.  My family loves it so much, I make it often in the colder months.Continue reading

The Best Grain-free Sandwich Bread Recipe

After I posted this bread on Instagram over the weekend, I had no idea that the reaction would be so enthusiastic for this recipe!  I’m excited to share it with you, but I didn’t have time to remake it and photograph the step-by-step instructions.  So just read through the instructions so you are familiar with the steps and you’ll be fine.  I originally developed this recipe for Clean Eating Magazine and the editors went crazy for this bread.  I’m not grain-free but I really like grain-free baked goods.  They’re higher in protein, lower in carbohydrates (usually) and they last longer in the fridge.Continue reading

Yerba Mate Chicken and Cilantro Soup Recipe

Yerba Mate Chicken and Cilantro Soup | Pamela Salzman

Yerba Mate Chicken and Cilantro Soup | Pamela Salzman

This blogpost is sponsored by the Argentinian Yerba Mate Board.  All opinions are my own.

Let me introduce you to my new favorite morning companion, Argentinian Yerba Mate. I have touted my love of tea many times on this blog and on my instagram, and I believe it’s a wonderful addition to a well-balanced, whole food diet. Yerba mate, however, is a step up from your typical bag of green tea. Originated and grown in Argentina from the yerba mate tree, this tea is chock-full of powerful antioxidants (shown to be even higher than green tea) and nutrients such as vitamins B and C, zinc, potassium and manganese. Yerba mate has been found to be ‘hepatoprotective’ which translates to: ‘protecting your liver cells’ and can help in weight loss. I also love that it provides as much energy as a cup of coffee but isn’t as harsh on your stomach. The traditional way to consume it is to prepare it in a traditional Argentinian gourd and drink through a straw.Continue reading

Vegetarian Kale Caesar Salad Recipe

Vegetarian Kale Caesar Salad | Pamela Salzman
Vegetarian Kale Caesar Salad | Pamela Salzman
Photography by Erica Hampton

Vegan husband update:  STILL VEGAN!!  Can you guys even believe this?  MY meat and potatoes guy went vegan in October for 6 weeks and he’s still at it.  He feels great, lost weight and is keeping it off and I’m trying to support him the best I can.  BUT, the rest of us are not vegan, so I have to have a lot of flexibility in our meals.  No problem.  I’ve been trained for this in my classes over the last decade teaching in LA.  Who’s avoiding this food group, who’s Paleo today, who’s mad at gluten…I’ve got this one!Continue reading