Five friday favorites 2.13.15

It’s a long weekend for my family, yippee!!  I hope you are getting a little extra time off, too.  I have a few fab items I’ve been loving lately and sharing with my cooking class students.  Let me know what you think!


Jovial Foods Organic Tomatoes in GLASS Jars

Jovial organic tomatoes in glass jars

I don’t even know where to begin with the issues that I have with aluminum cans.  In my opinion, cans are kind of a disaster no matter if they are lined, unlined, or BPA-free.  And canned tomatoes are the worst—tomatoes are highly acidic, which causes the BPA to leach more quickly into the tomatoes that you are about to turn into sauce.  Not good.  And don’t be fooled by claims of a “BPA-free can.”  The BPA has likely been swapped with something like BPB, which is just as toxic as BPA, or it’s completely unlined.  I always say fresh is best, but in the winter tomatoes are not in season and I rely on jarred.  So what to do??   Jovial Foods jars diced, crushed, and whole tomatoes in glass so no worries about BPA or metals leaching.  I love glass!!!  And..wait for it.. they are organic!   Tomatoes are becoming a GMO food when not grown organically, so this is a major, major plus.   Just note that most canned tomatoes are in 15- or 28-ounce quantities and Jovial jars are 18.5 ounces.  I get mine at my local Whole Foods, and you can also get them on Vitacost.  I usually wait for them to go on sale at Whole Foods and then I buy a couple cases to get an additional 10% off.  (There are only 6 in a case.)  There are other brands of tomatoes in glass jars and tomatoes in tetra-paks, but Jovial is my favorite.

Kenu Airframe Cell Phone Car Mount

kenu portable car mount

My husband did it again.   He found me another gadget which made me say, where has this been all my life?!  This little device is a true lifesaver for me when I am navigating through the streets of LA and trying to listen to my Waze app tell me where to go.  This handy holder clips onto the air vent in your car leaving my cell phone in perfect view and hands-free, so no more glancing down so check where my next turn is.  It is very slim, light and unobstructive which are even more reasons I love it.  And trust me, it is going to cost you a lot less than a ticket and is available on amazon with free shipping!

Norpro Silicone/Fabric Oven Mitts

Nor-pro Silicone & Fabric Oven Mitts

My students are constantly asking me about these oven mitts whenever I use them during class.  I’m not going to lie- when I first saw these mitts, I thought they were probably the most hideous things I have ever seen.  Especially considering how many cute and chic ones there are out there!  However, these have become my absolute favorite, go-to, most functional oven mitts ever.  The outside of the mitt is silicone which is very durable and not only protects your hand brilliantly from high heat but has a great grip and is totally water resistant and easy to clean.  This is my first set of oven mitts that I haven’t set on fire or shrunk in the wash!  What sets these apart from other silicone gloves however is that they are lined with fabric, so you still get the comfort of a fabric glove with the functionality of silicone.  Every other silicone mitt I have tried is super stiff, but not these.  The store where I bought mine is no longer in business (buggers), but you’re in luck because they have them on Amazon!  And while I have them in black (for under $10 no less), they come in other fun colors such red, blue, and even hot pink!

Superfood Spotlight:  Ginger


Although we are enjoying a heat wave right now here in Southern California, you would think it was the dead of winter with how many people have been getting sick lately!  And I know a lot of you around the rest of the country are experiencing anything BUT a heat wave, so it sounds like we all need a little ginger in our lives.  Ginger root is extremely beneficial to our health in more ways than one.  It is very warming to the body, which is important for all of you experiencing below zero temps this week.  It is also amazing for boosting our immune system, which is something we all need this time of year.  And to top it all off, ginger is very anti-inflammatory in the body, which can help us combat some of those free radicals we may have been consuming all winter long, when we have more of a tendency to heat our oils and foods rather than consume them raw.  Fresh ginger is definitely the way to go as not only is it much more beneficial to our health but the taste is fresher, stronger, and better than dried!  Fresh ginger is available at most supermarkets year round.  I have tons of recipes on my site that use fresh ginger, including ones for salad dressing, fish, curry, roasted carrots and even a turmeric tonic, my personal fave. And of course, ginger is always a great addition to juices and smoothies for an extra zing of flavor and nutrition.  Just be a little conservative if you’re juicing it, since a little goes a long way.  Fresh ginger can be stored in the fridge for a few weeks or I also like to freeze mine, peeled, which makes it much easier for grating and chopping.

Seasonal produce:  Kale Sprouts, aka Kalettes


What do you get when you cross 2 of my absolute favorite winter vegetables into one?  Kalettes/Kale Sprouts!  This brand new hybrid, non-GMO, vegetable hit the market last year and I have been getting mine by the bag at my local Trader Joes.  They have a chewy texture with a slight peppery bite that I think you will love!  And, you are getting the nutritional benefits from both the kale and the brussels sprouts- it’s a win win!   My favorite way to eat them is by simply roasting them in oven with coconut oil and salt and pepper at 400 degrees for 10 minutes.  How great is that?  10 minutes!!  Or I love adding them to my Italian Fried Rice recipe or in a frittata.  Kalettes are definitely still a new thing so there aren’t a ton of recipes around the web yet for using them (aside from roasting and making “chips).  But don’t worry, I am on it and will come up with a delicious recipe for you to use your kale sprouts just in time for them to be as common at the markets as carrots!  In the meantime, check out this link on the Kalettes website for a bunch of recipe and more info.



Five friday favorites 2.6.15 — valentine’s edition!

I’m not the kind of girl that needs fancy gifts or over-the-top flowers on Valentine’s Day.  And I would much rather stay home with my husband and kids than be at a crowded restaurant.  None of that says “L-O-V-E” to me, and instead just feels a little contrived.  What I do cherish is a small homemade something — a card, some tea personally delivered with a kiss, or a little treat.  I’m easy.  And I love doing the same in return just to keep in the spirit and show a little love.  I thought since Valentine’s Day is in 8 days (!), we should get organized and do a little planning.  Hence today’s themed post!  Here are some of my favorites to have some fun on Valentine’s Day:


Silicone Heart Molds

silicone molds

Nothing says Valentine’s Day  like heart-shaped food!  Impress your loved ones by whipping up your favorite muffins, cakes, and candies using these heart molds!  Heck, I think you could make my baked oatmeal in the shape of a mini heart!  I have a few heart-shaped silicone molds that are the perfect way to make anything into a shape of a heart.

Silicone does not outgas or leach, making it a much safer choice than a nonstick finish or aluminum leaching from metal baking pans.  Not all silicone molds are created equal though.  Do yourself a favor and look for food-grade silicone, with no added fillers.  I do wonder about the molds that are colored, but I cannot find any data on them.  I have this one from amazon which is less than $10.  And there are other sizes, as well.  Treats that would work nicely in the molds are the grain-free chocolate zucchini cake or the millet blondies, as well as any cookie or quick bread recipe.


Valentine’s Day Rubber Stamps


My son loves making his own cards, which I think are always so much cuter than store-bought.  But it can be a lot of work to make enough cards for the whole class plus all the teachers.  To the rescue are these cute rubber stamps.  I bought a few, including one that has a Happy Valentine’s Day message and a set with lots of different hearts, which comes with a pink ink pad.  Of course you can use any ink pad you want.  I love this one which will be back in stock on February 8th.  Stamp these on some craft paper and you’ve got yourself an adorable, easy, DIY Valentine!  Glued-on Hershey’s kiss optional.

Heart-Shaped Cookie Cutters


The year I bought these heart shaped cookie cutters, I used them to make hearts out of everything except cookies!  This is such an easy way to have some fun with your meals on Valentine’s Day.  You can cut almost anything into hearts, from cooked lasagne noodles, to carrots and beets, to pancakes and brownies, to toast and on and on.  I prefer graduated stainless steel cutters (versus plastic) that come with their own container for easy storage.  If you do buy metal ones, they’ll last longer if you wash and dry by hand.  These are a good set.



Superfood Spotlight: Pitaya


There are a some foods that come in the most insane colors that it is hard to believe that they are found like that in nature.  I am thinking about a bright glowing orange butternut squash cut open right in the middle of winter.  Or a stunning green avocado split down the center.  And, the bright neon pink color of pitaya.  Have you ever seen pitaya??  It is unbelieveable!  This glowing hot pink fruit, a variation of the dragon fruit, is used similarly to acai- it is sold in packets of frozen puree and is great for making smoothies and bowls.  While acai has been the star player for a while now, the health benefits of pitaya are through the roof!  It contains cancer-fighting antioxidants and is even believed to help regulate blood sugar. The taste is mild and tart, not quite as sweet as acai but still juicy and satisfying.  You can find frozen pitaya at Whole Foods.  Use my acai bowl recipe and just sub pitaya for acai.

Seasonal Produce:  Blood Oranges

blood orange love

With the slim picking of produce right now, I am all over the citrus family.  Tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, pomelos, kumquats, you name it.  We all know that citrus fruits are packed with Vitamin C, but what if there was a citrus that also contained anthocyanins, the same antioxidants found in berries??  Well, let me introduce you to the blood orange, which is packed full of nutrition and deliciousness.  The name Blood Orange comes from the fact that the inside flesh has a red color.  Perfect for Valentine’s Day!

My favorite way to use blood oranges is in this Salmon, Beet and Spinach Salad.

Check out these other great way to use blood oranges from around the web!

Blood orange braised cabbage from My New Roots (which I made last night with a piece of halibut — very tasty)

Yummy Supper’s Warm rice salad with chard, feta, walnuts, and blood oranges

Smitten Kitchen’s  Flaky Blood Orange Tart

Click here for my post on how to segment and cut citrus fruit.

Five Friday Favorites 1.30.15

I hope you had a good week, friends.  Some of you were buried in snow while at the same time many others were confused by the record heat in January.  Wherever you live, chances are you’re thinking about Super Bowl Sunday which is just a few days away.  There’s always something to celebrate, isn’t there?!  I am not rooting for either team, but just hoping the game is better than last year and I will at least guarantee some great eats for whoever shows up at my house to watch!

Here are some things I want to share with you this week:

Stainless Steel Spice Jar Measuring Spoons

spice jar measuring spoons

These measuring spoons are a lifesaver for someone who goes through as many spice measurements as I do in a week.  Isn’t it a little annoying when you go to measure some spices and you attempt to put the measuring spoon in the jar, only to realize it won’t fit through the opening?  The answer is YES!  And pouring fine powders onto the spoon is practically impossible to do without making a mess.   Although I have several sets of measuring spoons, these are the ones I turn to first.  These handy little measuring spoons are made extra narrow to ensure that they will fit into any spice jar I have!  These have saved me tons of time and they’re not expensive (you can get a set of these for around $12).  There are lots of different styles/brands out there, but I find stainless steel spoons last the longest and they usually have the measurements imprinted as opposed to painted on which always wears off too quickly and then I’m thinking, “is that a 1/2 teaspoon or 1 teaspoon spoon?”

My assistant Lauren gave me this set which she bought at Sur la Table, but you can get them in many different places from Williams-Sonoma to Bed Bath and Beyond to amazon.  I like this set on amazon which has an 1/8 tsp. and 3/4 tsp. spoons — very useful!

Bar Keepers Friend

bar keepers friend

My stainless steel pots and pans get A LOT of use. But because I use them in my cooking classes and I photograph them for my blog, I don’t necessarily want them to  look like they’ve been through the ringer!  For years, Bar Keepers Friend has been my absolute go to for keeping all of my stainless steel shining like new.  It is a powdered cleanser that forms a paste when mixed with water and cleans without using bleach – which is a must for keeping stainless steel in tip-top shape.  This stuff has worked magic removing tough stains that have formed on my pots and pans through the years.  Keep in mind, this isn’t a cleaning product in as much as it’s a “spiffying up” product.  If you have eggs stuck onto your pan, you wouldn’t use BKF to get them off.  It is perfect for removing tarnish, rust, and lime.  I wanted to show you a before and after picture, but my pans all looked pretty good!  You can at least see my attempt above.

Just a heads up though that Bar Keepers Friend does contain a small amount of oxalic acid which could potentially be irritating to some people’s skin.  You could also use Bon Ami, which is a similar product and doesn’t contain oxalic acid, but it’s also not as effective in my opinion.  What you don’t want to use on stainless steel are SOS pads which scratch the surface of the pans and allow metals to leach into your food.

Bar Keepers Friend is available at Target, Bed Bath and Beyond for $1.99 or this 3-pack on amazon prime for $10.99 which is not as good a price, but you also don’t have to shlep to the store to get it.

Seaweed Gomasio


I can’t remember how or when I found gomasio, but I’ve been in love with it for a looooong time.  Goma means sesame and shio means salt. Gomasio is a macrobiotic condiment used instead of putting straight salt on food.  It contains roasted sesame seed and sea salt, but my favorite one from Eden Foods contains seaweed, too. Gomasio is considered to be a digestive strengthener as well as flavor enhancer. It’s a great condiment to use if you’re trying to cut back a little on sodium since it’s mostly calcium-rich sesame seeds with just enough salt to have a salty flavor.

My favorite way to use gomasio is simply sprinkled on steamed rice and roasted veggies, on sushi rice before I roll it up, on my Buddha Bowl and Fried Rice recipes.  I think it would be great on eggs, hummus or if you were making a savory breakfast porridge.

You can also make your own gomasio by toasting up 2 cups of sesame seeds in a dry skillet.  When the oils begin to release and the seeds start to turn golden, remove from heat and add 1 Tablespoon of sea salt.  Grind the mixture up a bit by pulsing in a food processor or smashing with a mortar and pestle or just leave it whole.  Store in a glass container in the pantry for 1-2 months.

If you want to buy it, I have found 4 flavors of gomasio by Edn Foods at Whole Foods — plain, seaweed, black & tan (2 types of sesame seeds) and garlic.  All delicious.  You can also buy these on (Amazon charges way too much for some reason.)

Superfood Spotlight:  Goji Berries

goji berries

Goji berries are one of my pantry staples for topping everything from multigrain porridge to acai bowls to my homemade trail mix.  These little berries have a unique tart flavor and I love them when paired with coconut, cacao nibs and walnuts.  Not only are goji berries sweet and tasty but they are loaded with antioxidants and actually have the highest concentration of protein of any fruit- major plus for breakfast!  Believe it or not, this superfood also boosts 15 times the amount of iron than spinach.  That is pretty impressive if you ask me.

I’ve bought goji berries at Whole Foods (usually the Navitas Naturals, Himalania or Sunfood brands), as well as Thrive Market, and amazon.  They’re definitely a little more expensive than other fried fruit, however.  The best deal I found was on amazon for a 1 pound bag of organic goji berries for $19.


Seasonal Produce:  Broccoli


January is the month of detoxes and cleanses, and while I love a good green juice as much as the next person, I would like to highlight one of the most detoxifying veggies under the sun, broccoli!  Broccoli is a powerhouse of nutrition and research has recently shown that there are 3 phytonutrients found in a rare combination in broccoli that allow this veg to be extremely helpful to the body’s detoxification system.  This is perfect for all of us that are trying to rid all of our holiday indulgences.

Beyond it’s detoxifying compounds, broccoli is also one of the most important health-boosting foods around.  Broccoli contains sulforaphane which may help to slow down and even prevent osteoarthritis, protect your skin, improve blood pressure and kidney function, and it has been shown to kill cancer stem cells, by attacking the root of tumor growth.  Broccoli also contains lutein which supports heart health by helping to prevent thickening of your arteries.  Plus broccoli is anti-inflammatory, contains loads of fiber and beneficial nutrients like potassium, calcium, protein and vitamin C.  I’m telling you — WONDER VEGETABLE.

Not to mention, broccoli is absolutely delicious and can be cooked in a variety of ways- steamed, roasted, blanched, or even raw!  Check out some of my recipes below:

Broccoli Crunch Salad

Stir-fried Grass-fed Beef and Broccoli

Balsamic Roasted Broccoli and Cherry Tomatoes

and my obsession, Roasted Veggie Buddha Bowls with Lemon-Tahini Sauce

And some delicious looking recipes from around the web:

Energizing and Spicy Broccoli Dal from Oh She Glows

Garlic Parmesan Roasted Broccoli from Damn Delicious

Phoebe Lapine‘s Broccoli Fried Rice Recipe on Food & Wine


Five Friday Favorites 1.23.15

My Five Friday Favorites continues!!  Sometimes I’ll mention things in my classes, and when I notice a lot of people writing them down, I know that it’s something I need to share!  Feel free to leave a comment with any of your favorites — I’d love to check them out.  Have a great weekend, my dears!



Lily’s No-sugar Added Chocolate Chips

Lily's No-Sugar Added Chocolate Chips

Move over Nestle, there is a new chocolate chip in town!  While Nestle may not actually be my chocolate chip of choice, even some of the cleaner brands like Whole Foods 365 and Trader Joes’ chocolate chips are really not that great either.  Most of them have added sugar and corn syrups, which is a huge bummer since unless those are organic, they contain GMO’s.  Thumbs down in my book!  However, let me introduce you to Lily’s, a stevia-sweentened, vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, fair-trade chocolate company that makes dark chocolate baking chips.  Lily’s chocolate chips have no added sugar, which is a huge bonus when trying control the amount of refined sweeteners in your foods.  And, the best part here is that the chocolate is still sweet like regular chocolate chips, just without the added calories (that’s where the stevia comes in).  Lily’s, my tastebuds and my waistline thank you.  And what’s even better is this company was founded to honor a young girl, Lily, who is 13-year-old brain cancer survivor.   Part of the proceeds from the company goes to different charities that aim to support kids fighting cancer.  Can your chocolate chips do that?  I got my Lily’s baking chips from VitaCost, and they are also available on Amazon and at Whole Foods.

(Enjoy Life is also a better brand than Nestle, etc.)


My favorite stockpot

My Favorite Stockpot

Without fail, whenever I use this stockpot in my classes someone asks me where they can get it.  This heavyweight stockpot made by Demeyere is so perfect for making homemade stocks, soups, and stews.  And, the bonus here is that is it as attractive as it is functional- so I can serve directly from the pot if I am feeding a crowd or entertaining.  It is a bit pricy, but I have used this pot several times per week since I bought it 15 years ago and it is still in amazing shape.  It is well worth the investment.  It is available on Amazon for $190.00.

Whole Foods Frozen Organic Fire Roasted Corn

Whole Foods Organic Fire Roasted Corn

Corn has gotten such a bad rap in the last couple of years after GMO becoming so prevalent in that industry.  However, you can avoid this problem completely by buying organic corn!  I think corn is delicious and versatile and a great vegetable to add a little sweet crunch to all kinds of different dishes.  And what could be even better?  Fire roasted corn!  It has a slightly smoky flavor perfect for pairing with Mexican dishes.  Whole Foods carries this frozen organic fire roasted corn, and when I discovered it, I think I bought them out!  I have been adding it to everything from tacos to soups to chili to a delicious vegan queso dip (stayed tuned next week for the recipe!)   The fact that it is frozen allows it to become a “pantry” item, so I can always have it on hand for last minute meals.


Superfood Spotlight: Green Tea

Green Tea

I am not a coffee drinker, but sometimes when the afternoon yawns roll in, I need a little pick-me-up.  Warm tea is always my go to, and green tea is one of my faves because of it’s abundance of health benefits (and because it’s tasty.)  Green tea is the most beneficial tea for our health because it is not oxidized (like black and oolong, for example) so it contains more of the oh-so important cancer fighting antioxidants.  It also speeds up our metabolism (yes!), lowers blood pressure, boosts immunity, and can even protect against Alzheimer’s disease.  The list goes on and on about what this mighty leaf can do for your health, so I suggest ditching the coffee and going for a cup of green tea!  Even better, matcha, which is green tea leaves in powdered form, allows you to absorb even more of the antioxidants since you are consuming the leaf directly, rather than just what is infused into the water.  You can stir matcha into your smoothie, use it in salad dressings, or dust it over your favorite sweets like vanilla ice cream or dark chocolate.  Green tea isn’t just for drinks!  Check out the recipes below for food made with green tea.


Green tea oatmeal from Up Root From Oregon

Green tea pancakes from One Ingredient Chef

Green tea soba soup with shrimp and shiitakes from Kitchen Daily

Green tea shortbread sandwiches from Smitten Kitchen




Seasonal produce: cauliflower

Cauliflower is the New Kale

I have been saying for a couple years that cauliflower is the new kale.  And now that it is in peak season, it is the perfect time to get this cruciferous vegetable into your diet.  I have used cauliflower in all sorts of unconventional ways lately- in tacos, pizza crust, mashed potatoes, shredded into small granules to resemble rice, and my absolute new fave- frozen steamed cauliflower in smoothies!  Cauliflower develops a smooth, milky, nutty flavor when cooked, and is so delicious even just plain and roasted with some coconut oil (Mr. Picky’s favorite.)  What’s even better than the versatility of this amazing veg is the health benefits.  Cauliflower helps the body maintain it’s 3 most important systems for decreasing risk of cancers: detox system, anti-inflammatory system, and antioxidant system.  Check, check, and check!  I have some great recipes for cauliflower on my site, and check out these others from around the web as well.


Quinoa cauliflower patties from Sprouted Kitchen

Crispy cauliflower tacos from Love and Olive Oil

Roasted Cauliflower with Pine nuts, Meyer Lemon, and Mint from Yummy Supper

Curried cauliflower pizza from Naturally Ella



Five Friday Favorites 1.16.15

So much to be excited about today!  It’s Friday, hooray! and it’s a 3-day weekend.  Yippee!  And…I have a few more favorites to share.  Have a good one!

Linen bowl covers

Ambatalia Linen Bowl Covers

As you know, I try to avoid plastic like the plague, which is why I was ecstatic when Jenni Kayne gave me these beautiful linen bowl covers made by Ambatalia.  No more plastic wrap to cover last night’s leftovers!  Each cover is made with 100% unbleached linen, lined with organic cotton, and contains a rim of elastic that allows the covers to fit snugly over bowls or dishes.  There are 5 sizes to a set, the largest being big enough to fit over a standard pie plate and the smallest perfect for mini prep bowls.  Chic and you’re saving the environment.  I think these would make such a great hostess gift!  Available at Jenni Kayne’s stores in West Hollywood, Brentwood and Montecito, California.


Shiva Rose Face Oil

Shiva Rose Face Oil

This wonderful face oil is made by my friend Shiva Rose, one of the loveliest ladies I know.  She is a true beauty inside and out and shares my passion for all things natural and clean.  I am very picky about what I put on my face, so I don’t recommend products lightly.  I have ordered and re-ordered Shiva’s face oil 3 times!  The oil is made with a combination of organic oils including jojoba, rose hip, and kukui nut and is toxin-free.  It also has Vitamin E in it, which is my secret weapon when it comes to my face.   This handmade oil is very soothing to the skin and reduces inflammation.  I put it on every morning after my shower to start my day with glowing skin.  It also smells like a dream.  You can get this oil on Shiva’s website, target=”_blank”the Local Rose. $85


Therabee Culinary Honey

Therabee Culinary Honey

I have seen and bought different flavors of honey.  There’s a lady at my farmers market who sells the best raw honeys produced by bees which pollinate orange trees, avocado trees, wildflowers, sage and others.  Each honey has a slightly distinctive taste.

But until I received these culinary honeys from Therabee, I had never tasted infused honey before.  Game changer, people!  And not just infused with sweet pairings, but savory, too!  Oh, the possibilities.  These honeys are all unheated, truly raw, so they contain live, beneficial enzymes which are good for our health.

I immediately made myself my drink of the moment, a turmeric latte, and sweetened it with the Ginger + Hibiscus Honey.  Oh my stars.  Ah-mazing.  I took a little sheep yogurt and some cooked apple and topped it with some Cinnamon + Vanilla Honey.  Wow.  I’m having some friends over this weekend and I plan to use the Smoked Tomato + Thai Chile Honey on some crostini and the Ginger + Hibiscus in a few homemade Moscow mules.

Other flavors include Chipotle + Raw Cacao (is that so me or what?), Cardamom + Star Anise, Lavender + Vanilla Bean and more!  Therabee graciously offered my readers a 15% discount with the code PS2015.


Superfood spotlight: dried mulberries

dried mulberries

I have recently found a new topping to spruce up my morning oatmeal- dried mulberries!  These little berries are similar in flavor and chewiness to a dried fig.  They are an excellent source of iron, calcium, vitamin C, protein, and fiber.  And, the major bonus, they contain resveratrol, which is also known as the anti-aging nutrient.  You don’t have to ask me twice to eat a few of these every day!  I found Navitas Naturals dried mulberries at Whole Foods, but they are also available on or thrive

Besides adding to warm porridge, or granola and yogurt, I found a few interesting recipes which use dried mulberries:

Mulberry Granola by Elana’s Pantry

Crunchy Oatmeal Cookie with Dried Mulberries by Food Gal

Yogurt with Sauteed Dried Fruits and Nuts by Food & Wine

Seasonal produce: Cara Cara Oranges

Cara Cara Oranges

There are so many varieties of citrus this time of year, it’s always hard to decide which is the best when I am perusing the market.  My favorite orange, the Cara Cara, is available right now and I can’t get enough of them.  Cara Cara oranges look like a standard orange from the outside.  On the inside, they have a deep pink flesh similar to a ruby grapefruit.  And, guess what’s hiding in that beautiful pink color?  Lycopene, which is the same nutrient found in tomatoes (which I’m sure you haven’t been getting too much of lately).  Lycopene may reduce the risk for certain cancers, especially prostate.  When these oranges are ripe, they are tender, juicy, and sweet-tart.  Grab some at your local market and I promise you will not be disappointed.

Some recipes which use Cara Cara oranges:

Cara Cara Oranges with Avocado and Feta by Not Without Salt

Radicchio, Cara Cara Orange and Quinoa Salad by The Year in Food

Sparkling Cider and Cara Cara Orange Punch by Martha Stewart

Honey-sweetened Cara Cara Orange Jam by Simple Bites

Five Friday Favorites 01.09.15

Happy new year, friends!  I hope the holidays treated you well.  Everyone I know is trying to start fresh, clear the clutter, detox, get organized, simplify!!  Today I have a few of my favorite things to share that may help you stick to those ambitious resolutions!


Crispy Crunchy Broccoli Florets from Trader Joe’sTrader Joe's Crunchy Crispy Broccoli

Are these new or am I the last to know about Trader Joe’s addictive little crispy crunchy broccoli florets??!!  I picked them up on a whim because I was hungry and feeling too lazy to go home and make myself a snack.  And because Mr. Picky actually loves broccoli (his favorite vegetable) and, of course, chips (his favorite food.)  So I thought this would be a perfect snack for him.  Perfect for ME, too!!  I had to restrain myself from eating the entire bag in one sitting!  They remind me of freeze-dried fruit, except it’s broccoli with a little saltiness.  Mmmmmm!

The good news is that these crisps are really broccoli florets (and not some processed veggie “puffs” which don’t fool me) and one serving size contains 8 grams of dietary fiber and 7 grams of protein.  That’s amazing!  The bad news is that there’s 15 grams of fat, all of which is from palm oil.  The palm oil doesn’t bother me, but 15 grams of fat is a decent amount for a snack for a sedentary person.  For active children and adults, not such a big deal.  On the other hand,  1/2 the bag is 110 calories and 7 1/2 grams of fat which would actually be a great snack.  I’m also picturing these yummies on soup (like a crouton), in salads or on a cheese plate.  I am also going to play around with trying to make these myself in my dehydrator!


Stainless Steel Turntable for the Refrigerator

The turntable that changed my life

I’m a simple person, really.  The littlest things can just make me ECSTATIC.  Like this turntable I bought for my refrigerator.  I have a lot of nut butter jars in my fridge and it’s sort of annoying to have to take out the first two rows just to get to the ones in the back.  And it would drive me even more crazy when someone opened up a new peanut butter only to find out there was one hidden in the fridge.  Ok, so the littlest things make me crazy, too.

Problem solved with this stainless steel turntable I picked up at The Container Store for $19.99.  Now, we just have to spin the disc and all of my nut butters parade before my eyes without any effort.  I actually open the fridge when I don’t need anything just to admire my nut butter turntable.  Sigh…Smiley face….

If you aren’t into so many nut butters, you can use it for jams or other condiments.  I found this other very similar one on amazon for $15.95.



I heart succulents

I have always been into succulents, but more so since I moved to a house with almost no yard, a lot of shade and a recent drought in California.  Succulents are not only pretty in many different styles of homes, from modern to traditional, but they last a long time if cared for properly.  Actually, the best thing about succulents is that they need very little attention or water.  Perfect if you like a little life in your house but you’re kinda lazy. 😉

I think they would make a great gift to bring to someone’s house instead of flowers.  The two arrangements on the left are my latest.  The one on the left is on my outdoor dining table and the one in the middle sits on a bookcase close to the kitchen.  The pumpkins with succulents were my Thanksgiving centerpieces in 2012 and 2013.  I also used succulent arrangements for the luncheon for my daughter’s bat mitzvah.  Martha Stewart Living has good info here for DIY succulent arrangements.  Many florists and garden shops carry succulents.


Superfood Spotlight: Turmeric


fresh and dried turmeric

Turmeric is a culinary spice used around the world, from Indian curries to American mustard.   It is related to ginger, and actually looks similar to it, and is most often hailed for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Turmeric appears to outperform many prescription drugs in its effects against several chronic, debilitating diseases, and does so with virtually no adverse side effects. Turmeric has been found to alleviate arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and even certain cancers.  I have even gargled with turmeric dissolved in warm water to reduce an inflamed throat.

You can find fresh turmeric in many natural foods markets (see photo on left) and dried/ground in most supermarkets or online (see photo on right.)  Its taste is described as mild peppery to warm and bitter while its aroma is slightly sweet kind of like a mix of orange-zest, and ginger. Once harvested, the root is boiled, dried, and ground into a bright yellow-orange powder.  I assume fresh will have a few more health benefits, but I can’t find any research on that.  Be super careful when using turmeric since it stains like crazy!

Turmeric used to be seen in recipes like curry, Harira, but it’s now all the rage in teas and lattes!  I even sprinkled it on my warm porridge this week.  Check out my dozen or so turmeric recipes here.

Other recipes from around the web that look interesting:

Broccoli with Turmeric and Tomatoes from Food & Wine

Spiced Lentil Soup with Coconut Milk by Sprouted Kitchen

Hummus and Cauliflower Tartines by Food Republic


Seasonal produce: Cabbage


I always say that cabbage is the most underrated vegetable.  No one talks about how amazing, versatile, delicious and healthful cabbages are!  And they’re super inexpensive!  They are grown all year round in California so I do use cabbages all the time whether raw, stuffed, sautéed, or roasted.  There are so many different varieties, from the standard green and purple, to Napa, Savoy, and hundreds more we don’t even see in our markets!  Technically kale is a cabbage, too.  In Italian, Cavolo Nero, which is a type of kale you might have seen around, means Black Cabbage.

Cabbages are rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and glucosinolates, which can be converted into isothiocyanate compounds that are cancer preventive for a variety of different cancers, including bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer, as well as detoxifying.  Cabbage also has the ability to help lower cholesterol and contains compounds beneficial to keeping the stomach lining and gut healthy.

Choose cabbage that is firm with tight leaves.  Avoid buying precut cabbage, either halved or shredded, since once cabbage is cut, it begins to lose its valuable vitamin C content.  Keeping cabbage refrigerated will help preserve its vitamins.  I always store heads of cabbage in a plastic grocery bag or a Neat-os bag.

Click here for a bunch of great recipes on my site using cabbage, including a few slaws, a sauté with fennel, and soup.


Five Friday Favorites: Homemade Edible Gifts for the Holidays and a Recipe for Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Bark with Dates and Sea Salt

Holiday gift list.  Those three words can make me more stressed out than hearing “OMG!  You borrowed my shirt again without asking!”  I honestly do not love trudging around shopping malls, looking for parking and standing on looooong lines at this time of year.  I would rather sit in my pajamas with a cup of tea and order gifts online like a civilized person.  And even better is being in my kitchen cooking up something delicious for the special people in my life.  That, to me, is a pleasure.

Today’s Five Friday Favorites are the edible gifts I love to give during the holidays.  Everyone will love receiving these treats and you don’t have to worry about things being out of stock or not arriving in the nick of time.  You can also make everything organic and with the natural ingredients you would want to share with people you care about.  Go put on your slippers and some relaxing holiday music and get busy!


gingerbread biscotti | pamela salzman

Biscotti are perfect cookies to give out as gifts because they are hearty by nature- they are actually meant to be slightly dry and can last for over a week in the pantry!  This ensures that your recipient will have plenty of time to indulge in these tasty treats.  Biscotti are perfect for a dunking in a morning cup of espresso or a late sweet liqueur nightcap- both of which take place frequently during the holidays.  Their unique shape lends itself to fun gift packaging, so you can really make these cute with a little cellophane and ribbon.  Or arrange a bunch in a lovely mug and wrap it all up.  My favorite biscotti of all time are these gingerbread biscotti, which couldn’t be more perfect for the holidays!

Other biscotti recipes that look great:

Deep Dark Chocolate Biscotti with whole wheat flour, flaxseeds and almonds at Cooking Light

Whole Grain Cinnamon Nut Baby Biscotti from King Arthur Flour

Nut and Seed Biscotti from 101 Cookbooks

Gluten-free Lemon and Pecan Biscotti from Gluten-free Girl


Chocolate Bark

dark chocolate hazelnut bark with dates and sea salt | pamela salzman

If you are short on time, chocolate bark is just about the simplest and quickest treat you can make plus everyone LOVES it!  I think chocolate bark of any kind looks so pretty and is fun to break off and eat piece by piece.  There are two ways I make bark — either by stirring some of the ingredients into the melted chocolate and sprinkling some on top or just sprinkling everything on top.  I like a little mixed into the chocolate, personally.

I like to stick with dark or semisweet chocolate since those contain less sugar than milk chocolate.  I also prefer using organic chocolate which should be guaranteed non-GMO (sugar is often genetically-modified unless it is label organic or non-GMO.)  Good brands are Enjoy Life and Dagoba, but if you are in a pinch, Trader Joe’s has well-priced, good-tasting 1-pound chocolate blocks.

My favorite version of chocolate bark right now is this one with dates, hazelnuts, and sea salt (don’t forget my favorite flavor combo is salty-sweet!,) but the possibilities are endless.  You can customize each batch of bark to whomever you are gifting it!  Crushed peppermint candies, dried cherries and pistachios, salted almonds, etc.  Of course the best part about making homemade treats is that you can control the ingredients.  So you can use all organic everything if you want!  And since it’s meant to come in broken pieces, it travels easily and no need to worry about being delicate with it.  My recipe for Dark Chocolate Bark with Hazelnuts, Dates and Sea Salt is below.  So good!

Dark Chocolate Bark with Hazelnuts, Dates and Sea Salt
Serves: 24 i-inch pieces
  • 1 cup whole, raw hazelnuts
  • 1 pound dark chocolate (70% cacao or higher), chopped
  • ½ cup diced dates (about 6)
  • 1 ½ teaspoons flaky sea salt (such as fleur de sel)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a pie plate or baking sheet, toast the hazelnuts until the skins blister, about 15 minutes. Transfer the nuts to a clean kitchen towel and let cool, then rub to remove the skins. If you don’t mind hazelnut skins, you can skip this step. Coarsely shop the nuts and set aside.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water until smooth.
  3. Meanwhile, line a sheet pan with parchment paper. Using a ruler and a pencil, draw a 9-by-10-inch rectangle on the paper. Turn the paper face-down on the baking sheet.
  4. Once the chocolate is melted, place half the dates and half the chopped hazelnuts into the bowl with the chocolate and stir to combine.
  5. Pour the chocolate mixture onto the parchment, into the middle of rectangle you drew, and spread out to the edges of the rectangle using a spatula.
  6. Sprinkle the remaining hazelnuts and dates evenly over the chocolate, followed by the sea salt.
  7. Let sit at room temperature for at least 2 hours, or in the fridge for 1 hour to harden, then chop into desired shapes.
  8. Serve at room temperature and store in tightly sealed container for up to a week.


Here are some other bark combinations around the web that look irresistible:

Swirled Bark with Salted Peanuts from Martha Stewart (someone make this for me — looks fantastic!)

Nutty Chocolate Bark with Cardamom and Coffee from Saveur sounds so interesting!

Trail Mix Chocolate Bark from Eating Well

Superfood Chocolate Bark from ThePlantStrongVegan



homemade gluten-free vegan granola | pamela salzman

A nice change from the traditional Christmas cookies, homemade granola is a perfect gift for the holidays.  It is not quite as sugary as all of the usual holiday treats, but still has such a satisfying salty-sweet crunch.  It also has so many uses- it can be eaten plain as a snack, finished with almond milk for breakfast, or served over yogurt with a little drizzle of maple syrup for a healthier dessert.  Plus, you can buy cute little jars in all different shapes and sizes that can be repurposed by the recipient and look so darling with a little ribbon or twine.  I give a little jar of homemade granola to all my kids’ teachers and coaches, etc. and I am always so delighted with their responses.  So many of them are health-conscious and they appreciate an edible gift that isn’t dessert.  I have also given large jars of granola with a small metal scoop inside as a hostess gift during the year!  Click here for my gluten-free, vegan granola recipe.


Custom Almond Butter (or any nut butter)

DIY homemade almond butter | pamela salzman

As I mentioned in my last Friday Favorites post, high quality nut butters are hard to find in any local market right now.  And considering the fact that I have been obsessing over Solstice Canyon’s flavored almond butters, I thought this is a perfect time of year to give away homemade almond butter as gifts!  First order some wide mouth mason jars like these.  Then go here with my homemade almond butter tutorial, and then feel free to mix it up with other nuts, flavors, spices, and add-ins.  Try adding vanilla, cinnamon, and maple syrup.  Or you could add raw cacao and hazelnuts.  Coconut butter or oil would make it really smooth.  Or dried figs, honey, and chia seeds.  Orrrrrrr, you can cheat and buy plain almond butter and doctor it up with some of the add-in I just mentioned.  Think DIY almond butter nutella!  Regardless of what you put in, homemade almond butter is so delicious and good for you – and everyone will be shocked that you made it yourself!


Infused Olive Oils and Vinegars

DIY infused oils

Infused olive oils and vinegars are quick and easy gifts with a personal touch.  There are so many different flavor combinations and these can really be fun with all of the different types of bottles that you can find at stores like Cost Plus World Market, The Container Store, Pier One or, of course, amazon. Infused oils and vinegars are great for special salad dressings, drizzling over pasta or seafood, or even just as an appetizer with some crusty bread for dipping.  Although I hear that you should never use garlic in infused oil since it can cause botulism!  Yikes!  I often buy Napa Valley Naturals organic, unrefined cold-pressed olive oil, but you can use whatever is your favorite.  Whatever recipe you use, warm the olive oil on low heat instead of high to protect the antioxidants in the oil. Once it’s bottled, cork it well and let it sit for about a week to fully infuse the flavor. If you don’t have that kind of time, the oil will still be flavored after a couple days, but mention to the recipient that he or she should allow the flavors to meld for about 2 weeks for best results. A good idea might be to put a “use by date” just so they remember when it was given.  I would store infused oils in the fridge after a month.  Check out these how-to’s and different flavor combinations.

Rosemary-Infused Oil from Giada de Laurentiis

Basil-infused Olive oil from Martha Stewart

Lemon-infused Olive oil Video

Cranberry-infused Vinegar from Michael Chiarello (by the way, he has a great book on infusing oils and vinegars)

Five Friday Favorites: Edible Gifts to Buy 12.12.14

‘Tis the season and I have been frantically trying to find the perfect gifts for all my loved ones.  You still have a little less than one week before the first night of Hanukkah and two weeks-ish before Christmas, but the clock is ticking!  I have a few favorite foodie gifts here, but you should also check out my shopping list for all my favorite kitchen tools and must-haves for additional gift ideas for people who cook (or would like to!)  I even have things on there like the portable cart I bring to the farmers market and my favorite stockpot about which I receive so many compliments!


Solstice Canyon Almond Butters

Solstice Canyon Almond Butters

These nut butters from Solstice Canyon are not only delicious but one of the most healthful nut butters on the market right now.  They are made from organic, truly raw, unpastureized almonds- something that is almost impossible to find at your local market.  The other ingredients (coconut, coconut sugar and Himalayan sea salt) in the nut butters are all top notch and very clean, making these nut butters completely guilt-free.  They come in 3 flavors: Original, Aztec chocolate, and Cardamom & Clove.  I am absolutely crazy about all three, but the Aztec chocolate is my favorite — the perfect amount of chocolate, slightly sweet with a hint of heat.  Delicious.  Find this here.


Farmhouse Pottery Maple Syrup and Pitcher or Honey and Pitcher


My best girlfriend gave me one of these sets a couple of years ago and even though I went through the maple syrup quickety-quick, I am still adoring and using the beautiful pitcher that came with it.  Both the syrup and the honey are locally sourced in Vermont and I can tell you the syrup is delicious!  Plus it all comes packaged in this darling little box to make this an easy gift to give.  Find it all at Farmhouse Pottery.


Summerland LA Produce Box

Summerland LA produce box

For my Los Angeles friends, what better gift is there for the food lover in your life than fresh, organic produce delivered right to their doorstep?  Summerland LA delivers boxes each week filled with a variety of vegetables and/or fruits that is all sourced from local or in-state certified organic farmers, and is hand delivered to your door within 48 hours of picking.  The quality here is TOP NOTCH.  Plus, Summerland includes recipes each week featuring ingredients that are delivered, which will help ensure that you use up every last piece of produce.  If you don’t live in LA, there are so many great local services like this in many parts of the country.



I professed my love for PUREnola snacks on Instagram a while back and I am still smitten.  It’s not easy to find truly healthful and nutritious snacks, so when I was introduced to PUREnola, I was super excited.  It’s a cluster snack with sprouted organic raw nuts, sprouted organic raw seeds and other natural ingredients to pack a powerful crunch. It is a favorite of those following grain free, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, raw, vegan and paleo diets.  I don’t follow any of those diets, but I find myself using PUREnola like I would granola on yogurt, chia pudding, hot porridge and frozen desserts.  But it also makes a unique and delicious addition to a cheeseboard. The flavors range from salted chocolate to coconut to my favorite, rosemary spice, and many others.  Love this!  PUREnola can be found here.  PUREnola is offering my readers 10% off their purchases with the promo code PAMELA10


Bulletproof Coffee and Hot Chocolate

Bulletproof Coffee

Move over, Starbucks.  There’s a new drink in town.  Bulletproof Coffee is all the rage.  Imagine taking So, lowest toxin, highest performance coffee there is and then blend unsalted, grass-fed butter into it, along with an extract of coconut oil that improves brain energy. Repeat, butter.  So the idea is you have all the benefits of healthy milk fat with none of the damaging denatured casein proteins found in cream. People say (I haven’t tried it because I don’t drink coffee) it makes for the creamiest, most satisfying cup of coffee you’ve ever had. And it will keep you satisfied with level energy for 6 hours if you need it, without craving simple carbs or sugar, and because one drinks it for breakfast, the body is programmed to burn fat for energy all day long!  I know many people that swear by it!  Buy the coffee here.

And now, perfect for the holidays and for non-coffee drinkers, there’s a limited edition high quality Bulletproof Hot Chocolate.  SO exciting!  Find it here.


Next Friday, I’ll post my favorite homemade edible gifts!