Creamy polenta recipe

People have asked me (actually one person in particular, i.e. my Italian-born father) why I don’t have more pasta recipes on my site or on my class menus.  I know everyone loves pasta and it’s super easy to make, but I think the internet and cookbooks have more than enough pasta recipes to keep everyone […]

Slow cooker vegetarian chili with sweet potatoes (stovetop version, too!)

As I type this, my slow cooker has been on for 36 hours straight.  Is that allowed?  I am officially obsessed and I completely understand why you all have been too while I was under a little rock.  Wow!  I made this awesome sweet potato chili the other night, then washed out the insert and […]

How to thicken soups and stews without cream, butter or flour

I make a lot of soups and stews for the family, especially from September through May.   I know many of you have been freezing your buns off on the East Coast and Midwest lately and are likely craving a bowl of steamy, thick, rich soup to warm your body and soul.  I love all […]

Slow cooker chicken tacos recipe

You have all waited patiently while my life changed with the arrival of my new slow cooker. Apparently, I am very late to this party.  I had no idea there was this whole huge world of slow cooker devotees.  There are even websites devoted to only slow cooker recipes.  I could wallow in self pity right […]

Stir-fried soba noodles with vegetables and tofu

You know what’s harder than sticking to new year’s resolutions?  Getting back into a normal routine after you’ve had a very leisurely vacation away from home.  After two weeks of no mail, no work (sort of), no carpools, and no making lunches at 6:00 am (the biggest vacation of all!), this week was like a […]