Minted Sweet Pea Dip

  In as much as I promote buying and preparing fresh produce, I really have no problem with using frozen sometimes.  Frozen vegetables are supposedly picked at their peak and frozen immediately, allowing less deterioration of nutrients.  I can’t, however, say the same about canned.  Thumbs down on that one.  In general, I tend to […]

Tex-Mex Matzo Brei Recipe (Migas with Matzo!)

I used to look forward to Passover when I was a child even though I wasn’t Jewish and was never invited to a seder.  But Pathmark and Shop Rite would carry matzo for about 2 weeks around the time of the holiday and I loved it.  Do you know about matzo?  It’s like a giant, […]

Healthful Vegan Mint Chip Smoothie Recipe

I quietly went dairy-free recently which made me a little bummed out because I love yogurt and feta and Pecorino Romano cheese.  My acupuncturist was begging me for years to break up with dairy once and for all so that I might be able to stop complaining about this and that.  Sure enough, without getting […]

St. Patty’s Day Green Pancakes Recipe

My favorite green holiday is coming up which is funny since I’m not one iota Irish, I don’t drink booze nor do I eat beef.  But I look forward to St. Patrick’s Day so I can take all the liberties in the world to play up the GREEN in what we eat.  Sure, you can […]