How to Cook and Debone a Whole Fish

You can totally do this.  The idea of roasting and deboning a whole fish sounded incredibly intimidating to me when one of my students asked me to prepare it in a class for her husband’s birthday.  She said, “the only dish I must request is whole roasted branzino — it’s my husband’s absolute favorite and […]

Baked parsnip fries recipe

I really, really ate too much the tail end of last week.  And it wasn’t lettuce I was overeating, in case you’re wondering.  The whole Thanksgiving-Hanukkah collision really did me in.  If all the pies and butter last Thursday weren’t enough, the potato pancakes fried in an inch of oil followed by more sugar over […]

Balsamic-roasted broccoli and cherry tomatoes recipe

I’d like to sneak in a nutritious recipe before Halloween if you’ll let me.  I need to one last swan song before local tomatoes go out of season until next June.  Moment of silence.  Until then, I am enjoying these sweet little orbs as much as I can.  I have always had a soft spot […]

Indian basmati rice with peas recipe

I am 100% Italian and I absolutely love pasta, but I also looooooove rice.  Love!  I am crazy about all kinds of rice and it shows in my pantry.  I have so many varieties of both white and brown rice and I never get tired of it.  Overeating pasta doesn’t make me feel great and […]

Avocado Toast

A perfect avocado completes me.  I have a mild obsession with them.  If you gave me a choice between mashed avocado on a piece of toast or an ice cream sandwich, I honestly wouldn’t even think twice about it!  I am more addicted to avocados than I ever was to sugar.  Hmmm, ok maybe not […]