Dinner Planner – Week of June 13, 2022

My baby, affectionately referred to since the inception of this website as Mr. Picky, is graduating high school this weekend!  OMG.  Very emotional week for me.  I am proud of course, excited for his future, and a bit weepy that he will be fleeing the nest in a few months.  I am grateful Hubs and […]

Dinner Planner – Week of May 30, 2022

It is probably your last opportunity to take a bootcamp live with me!  I am repeating two very popular bootcamps, Back to Basics AND Meal Planning | Meal Prepping | Batch Cooking, at a time that I think is perfect.  Summer is more relaxed; people may be traveling, but there are fewer commitments, especially for […]

Dinner Planner – Week of March 21, 2022

Happy Spring!  Spring represents a new beginning, a rebirth, a fresh start.  Better weather is around the corner. And spring produce is cleansing and detoxifying (think wild greens, herbs, strawberries and asparagus.) Spring makes me feel like, We did it!  We survived the holiday season and the winter.  Things can only get better from here. […]

Dinner Planner – Week of March 7, 2022

I’m having the best time with Mom and her friend Marisena!  We have been seeing the sights and cooking and watching movies.  So fun! In case you missed it, I’m beyond excited to open the registration for my NEWEST bootcamp, Back to Basics! I took suggestions, requests and feedback from hundreds of my students and […]

Dinner Planner – Week of February 7, 2022

Last chance to join two game-changing bootcamps!  Do check out Plant-Based 2.0 if you are looking to do a deeper dive into plant-based eating and cooking.  The plant-based diet is truly the best way to eat for most people. It doesn’t mean vegan and you don’t have to give up all animal products forever.  This […]