Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2016 – 1 Week and Counting!

This post has been edited from the original which was published on November 17, 2011. I am going to admit this right off the bat — I am behind on my Thanksgiving planning!   The irony!  I think we’re going to be 31 people this year, including my two daughters who will be home from college.  […]

Dinner Planner – Week of November 14th

What a week!  In this unpredictable world, food is always there for you, consistent and unifying.  Let’s get cooking! This is a big week for organizing for Thanksgiving and keeping the meals simple.  November is my busiest work month and frankly, I am toast.  So I am really keeping it easy!  Here’s your dinner planner […]

Dinner Planner – Week of November 7th

The first week with our Korean exchange student has gone very well, especially in the food department.  He has pretty much eaten nothing but Korean food his entire life, so when I ask him, “Have you ever eaten X?”  He always responds, “No, but I’ll try it!”  And he does.  Love this kid.  Mr. Picky is […]

Dinner Planner: Week of October 31st

I will admit, I was a lazy bones about dinner last week.  My husband was out of town the entire week, I had two birthday celebrations and I taught a class one evening.  So, Mr. Picky ate a few leftovers and random dinners like pasta with meat sauce one night.  But yesterday the South Korean […]

The Golden Door Spiced Pear Cake Recipe

My summer wasn’t exactly a restful one.  I finished writing and photographing my book (due out in April 2017!), prepared 2 kids for college and moved them in, and planned Mr. Picky’s September bar mitzvah.  After I left the girls at school, I did something I have never done before.  I went out of town […]