Five Friday Favorites 05.06.16

  Garlic Confit from the Gjelina Cookbook If you saw my last Friday Favorites post, you’re probably not surprised I am posting something from the Gjelina cookbook. I expressed my love for the book a few weeks ago and have delved into it headfirst.  ALthough I have only made a few recipes, I have dogearred […]

Dinner Planner: Week of April 25th

My dinner planner this week needs to be Passover-friendly, at least until Saturday night at sundown when Passover ends.  Thats when my husband likes to carb-out like he’s been on “Survivor” and hasn’t seen a piece of bread or a grain in months.  It’s only 8 days without these, but psychologically he feels super deprived and all […]

Dinner Planner: Week of April 4th

If you were away for Spring Break, I know it can be hard to get back in the kitchen and start cooking again.  Or, perhaps you are tired of eating out or being off your routine so you are excited to get back to your healthy way of eating.    Here’s a great dinner planner […]

Dinner Planner: Week of March 14th

I had a wonderful time at the Natural Products Expo this weekend exploring what’s new in the natural foods world.  There are so many incredible products to help support any number of diets, from vegan to Paleo to gluten-free to pegan (that’s Paleo-vegan, FYI.)  Of course, there are also those products touted as “natural” or “healthy” […]

Sunrise Nori Wraps with Spicy Tahini Drizzle from the “Eating Clean” Cookbook

I am really proud of my friend Amie Valpone, who is known in the blog world as The Healthy Apple.  She has a new book being released today called Eating Clean:  The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation and Reset Your Body.  The book outlines her journey of how she healed from a decade (yes, a decade) […]