Five Friday Favorites 10.16.15

Happy Friday, my fair readers.  Another Friday, another weather update.  It is still heat-waving here in Southern California and we are even more over it than when we said we were so over it 4 weeks ago!  So yes, my husband broke down and bought air conditioning last week.  The company came to install it […]

Five Friday Favorites 10.09.15

You know what my husband did this week?  He broke down and called an air conditioning company to install air in our house.  I know!  It’s October and it’s supposed to be 90 something at the beach this weekend.   He just couldn’t take it anymore.  Crazy times, people.  Let’s hope it’s up and running […]

Five Friday Favorites- 10.02.15

Hello, Friday and hello, October!  It sure does NOT feel like fall around here, except for the overflowing stacks of pumpkins and winter squashes at the market lately.  I decided to get with the spirit and make pumpkin pancakes for breakfast this week.  Delicious, but I would have felt cooler with a smoothie bowl.  Except […]

How to Make a Smoothie Bowl: Recipe and Video

I live and teach in Los Angeles where people grab onto a food fad and hold on for dear life. Until the next cool thing comes around. Acai bowls were all the rage a few years ago.  Maybe they haven’t made it to your neck of the woods yet, but no matter because you can make one […]

My Passover Menus and Timeline

With Passover and Easter coming up fast, many of my students have been asking me after class what they should make for the holidays and the timing of everything.  Timing, timing, timing!!  It seems to be the reason for so much anxiety and for good reason.  Timing is everything!  This is my first year doing […]