Menu Ideas for Passover 2017

With Passover and Easter coming up fast, many of my students have been asking me after class what they should make for the holidays and the timing of it all.  Timing, timing, timing!!  It seems to be the reason for so much anxiety and I completely understand why.  Timing is everything! For those of you […]

Dinner Planner — Week of January 30th

Chinese New Year begins today, January 28th, with the Year of the Rooster. I thought I would share some interesting information from my friends at the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) World Foundation have to say about this new year.  “This is an energetically powerful time to make room for the new—a new life, new hope, and new […]

Dinner Planner – Week of December 26th

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a general happy holidays to everyone!  So sorry I am late with this post!  I hope you all had a festive and fun weekend.  These are my favorite two days of the year and I said to my kids in the car to Christmas Eve dinner that it warmed my heart that they were […]

Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2016 – 1 Week and Counting!

This post has been edited from the original which was published on November 17, 2011. I am going to admit this right off the bat — I am behind on my Thanksgiving planning!   The irony!  I think we’re going to be 31 people this year, including my two daughters who will be home from college.  […]

Dinner Planner – Week of November 7th

The first week with our Korean exchange student has gone very well, especially in the food department.  He has pretty much eaten nothing but Korean food his entire life, so when I ask him, “Have you ever eaten X?”  He always responds, “No, but I’ll try it!”  And he does.  Love this kid.  Mr. Picky is […]