Cornflake “Fried” Chicken with Sauerkraut Citrus Coleslaw Recipe

Spring must be cookbook season, because I am loaded with new ones right now!  My friend Liz Moody sent me her new book Healthier Together and it’s right up my alley.  Liz is a great gal, health blogger and food writer.  The book‘s premise is about cooking for two, but cooking together.  I think this […]

Super Bowl Green Chile and Cheese Cornbread

I’m not sure why chili seems to be one of the most popular foods to serve on Super Bowl Sunday.  I suppose in most parts of the country it is very cold out (sending warm thoughts your way Chicago and neighboring cities/states!), so chili is a perfect cozy dish.  And the Super Bowl is a […]

Creamy Corn Pudding Recipe

This creamy corn pudding is the LAST recipe I ever thought I would fall for.   Whenever I load up my plate on Thanksgiving (or any meal for that matter), I go for color, freshness, non-starchy vegetables.  If I eat something creamy, it’s likely risotto, or a cashew-based dressing, or ice cream LOL.  But I […]

Maple Rosemary Popcorn | Pamela Salzman

Maple Rosemary Popcorn Recipe

Who isn’t stepping foot inside the kitchen again for the rest of their lives???  I used to say that after my first few Thanksgivings.  But let’s be real, come 4 o’clock the next day, I am ready to eat a meal that isn’t pie pretending to be breakfast.  That said, I thought I would ease […]

cornbread stuffing

Cornbread Stuffing with Kale and Mushrooms Recipe

Someone asked me in my class today what is my favorite food to eat on Thanksgiving.  Honestly, I teach so many Thanksgiving classes in the month before the holiday that I am a little over all the food!  I usually crave salad and roasted Brussels sprouts and a bite of pumpkin pie with a scoop […]