Black bean and pumpkin soup recipe

Nothing is as comforting to me as a one-pot, hearty meal in a bowl.  I love substantial soups and stews, especially ones with beans or legumes.  I very often make soups on the weekend for lunch or for a Meatless Monday dinner.  They also make a fantastic school lunch for the kids the next day. […]

Kale salad with creamy lemon dressing (dairy-free recipe)

One of my students was joking with me a few weeks ago about who does the PR for the Kale Board, because they’re doing a pretty good job!  Think about it, who was eating kale 10 years ago?  I wasn’t, but I now buy several bunches of kale every week and consume it in so […]

Moroccan carrot and beet salad recipe

London has been amazing!  Freezing, but amazing!  At least we were prepared with our winter outerwear for the unseasonably cold temperatures.  We have seen so much and the kids have really enjoyed it all.  After our month in Europe this summer, we learned a bit about how to keep the kids engaged and not wanting […]

St. Patty’s Day Green Pancakes Recipe

My favorite green holiday is coming up which is funny since I’m not one iota Irish, I don’t drink booze nor do I eat beef.  But I look forward to St. Patrick’s Day so I can take all the liberties in the world to play up the GREEN in what we eat.  Sure, you can […]

Asian Slaw Recipe

I love salads and have since I was a kid.  Give me a good basic vinaigrette and I will come up with the craziest salad combinations.  Whatever I have in the refrigerator or the pantry is fair game.  Quinoa, fresh herbs, sprouts, cooked beans, last night’s leftover vegetables, rice, whatever!  I always try to wash […]