Christmas Wild Rice Salad Recipe

wild rice salad

It’s bananas that I am already planning our Christmas menu!  I feel like I have barely recovered from Thanksgiving.  The good news is that Christmas dinner is very low key.  We start with a small cheese board while we’re opening gifts.  Dinner commences with chicken soup with tortellini, followed by roast tenderloin and 2-3 side dishes.  My mom makes the soup and meat and I change up the sides every so often.  But I always keep them very veggie-centric so we don’t feel bad about indulging in too many Christmas cookies later.Continue reading

Fesenjan-style Chicken Stew Recipe with Walnut and Pomegranate Sauce Recipe

chicken stew recipe

chicken stew recipe

This post is sponsored by Moink Box. All opinions are my own.

My sister was gifted a “23 and Me” or (I can’t remember which one) learn-about-your-DNA kit. I honestly thought that was the silliest idea ever since we are 100% Italian.  My father was born and raised in Italy and my mother’s four grandparents were all born in Italy.  Slam dunk.  My sister went through the motions anyway because, why not?

So when she called me after she received her results with a bit of excitement in her voice, it was like life imitating art (i.e. this would play out like one of the commercials.)  “You’re not going to believe this,” she said.

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Maple Rosemary Popcorn Recipe

Maple Rosemary Popcorn | Pamela Salzman

popcorn recipe

Who isn’t stepping foot inside the kitchen again for the rest of their lives???  I used to say that after my first few Thanksgivings.  But let’s be real, come 4 o’clock the next day, I am ready to eat a meal that isn’t pie pretending to be breakfast.  That said, I thought I would ease you back into the kitchen with popcorn.  Don’t act so underwhelmed.  This is the best popcorn ever!Continue reading

Leftover Turkey and Rice Middle Eastern Salad Recipe

Leftover Turkey and Rice Middle Eastern Salad Recipe | Pamela Salzman
Leftover Turkey and Rice Middle Eastern Salad Recipe | Pamela Salzman
Photography by Erica Hampton

Happy Day-After-Thanksgiving!  I hope you all had a great holiday.  Mine was just lovely and it was so special to spend the day with my girls who are home from college in the kitchen with me.  The weather was crazy warm and my husband and I were able to enjoy a beautiful beach walk while the apple pies were in the oven.

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Apple Bourbon Cocktail Recipe

Apple Bourbon Cocktail | Pamela Salzman

Apple Bourbon Cocktail

Let me just say, I hope you’ve committed to a menu by now.  This is no time to be deciding between the Harvest Chopped Salad or the Butternut Squash Salad! They’re both great and there’s no wrong choice.  Pick one and make the other one for Christmas.  The only thing you may not have settled on is whether or not you should do a cocktail. I am here to convince you that yes, you should do a fun drink because we are fun people you and I, and we can’t let this Thanksgiving business make us too stressed out.  So, let’s have a drink!

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A Thanksgiving Cheeseboard

Thanksgiving Cheeseboard | Pamela Salzman
Thanksgiving Cheeseboard | Pamela Salzman
Photos by Erica Hampton

I always put out a few light bites with cocktails on Thanksgiving one hour before we sit down to the big meal.  The challenge is finding things that won’t make people full, but are just enough to tide us over to dinner time, especially if we skipped lunch.  Plus, if you’re having an alcoholic drink, it’s a good idea to consumer some food at the same time.

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Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2017 — 1 Week to Go!

This post has been edited from the original which was published on November 17, 2011.

It’s always hard to accomplish your Thanksgiving tasks when you don’t know how many people you’re having over!  I think I have the final count and we’re only going to be 22 people this year, including my two daughters who will be home from college.  I am so excited to have all my kids in the kitchen this year prepping and cooking with me.  I had a stroke of genius six years ago, which was to tack my Thanksgiving to-do list on the refrigerator and have everyone sign up for three tasks.  Even my husband helps out!

My last class is today, but I have a few fun things to keep my busy until Thanksgiving.  Today at 2:30 pm PST/5:30 pm EST, I will be making a green bean casserole on Town & Country’s Facebook Live.  Please join me!  Friday, my friend John from the Preppy Kitchen and I will do a Facebook Live together around 10:00 am PST.  Then I am working on a special project with a great company and shooting some videos for them, so lots to do!  I’ll be getting busy on Sunday when I start making applesauce and cranberry sauce.  I always plan Thanksgiving day down to the last detail because I don’t like forgetting things and a schedule makes me feel more relaxed, which equals more fun for me! But just because Thanksgiving is the star of the show this week doesn’t mean that I can forget about normal life on very other day. So I think about regular meals and activities, too. Here’s what my schedule will look like from Sunday until we eat on Thursday at 4:00 pm (-ish). This shouldn’t make you feel exhausted, but merely show you what you can do ahead for your own Thanksgiving!  The Chalkboard Mag published a really great blogpost last year with tons of tips from lots of food experts (including me!)  I highly recommend giving it a quick read.

My Thanksgiving ebook is now available!  This PDF contains all my Thanksgiving recipes, tips and tricks, in one document!  You will have everything you need to plan and execute your best Thanksgiving ever.  Click here to access the Thanksgiving ebook.

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Cornbread Stuffing with Kale and Mushrooms Recipe

cornbread stuffing

cornbread stuffing

Someone asked me in my class today what is my favorite food to eat on Thanksgiving.  Honestly, I teach so many Thanksgiving classes in the month before the holiday that I am a little over all the food!  I usually crave salad and roasted Brussels sprouts and a bite of pumpkin pie with a scoop of homemade ice cream.  But I know that everyone else is so excited about the one-hit wonders of Thanksgiving like sweet potato casserole, turkey with cranberry sauce and cornbread stuffing.  I truly only make stuffing only once a year and all my guests love it – so much so that I usually make two different types.

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