A Holiday Cooking Class with Jenni Kayne and The Chalkboard

I had the pleasure of once again joining The Chalkboard Mag (one of my favorite sites), Jenni Kayne and her friends in the kitchen for another cooking class and luncheon, this time with a Christmas theme.  Even though I make a big effort to plan and get organized for Thanksgiving, I absolutely adore Christmas.  I love all […]

Gingerbread Biscotti | Pamela Salzman

Gingerbread biscotti recipe (gluten-free version, too!)

I have been offered A LOT of biscotti in my life.  When everyone you are related to is Italian, biscotti appear more often than Oreos.  They’re called “biscotti” because they literally translate to “twice baked.”  You bake them in logs first, then you slice up the logs and bake them again. They have this tell-tale […]

Warm coconut millet porridge recipe

I don’t know what has taken me so long to share my favorite breakfast with you.  Although I haven’t really been holding out on you since I did snap a picture of this delectable millet porridge a few months ago and posted it on Facebook.  But I know most people want a recipe, they want DETAILS. […]

Asian Slaw Recipe

I love salads and have since I was a kid.  Give me a good basic vinaigrette and I will come up with the craziest salad combinations.  Whatever I have in the refrigerator or the pantry is fair game.  Quinoa, fresh herbs, sprouts, cooked beans, last night’s leftover vegetables, rice, whatever!  I always try to wash […]

Planning a Happy Thanksgiving — 1 Week and Counting

This post was originally published on November 17, 2011. Wow, the last three weeks have gone by so quickly!  Not only am I very excited to celebrate Thanksgiving — we have a super fun crew joining us this year — but I am looking forward to some one-on-one time with the kids.  They are all […]