Dinner Planner: Week of April 18th

I have a crazy busy week coming up with classes, deadlines, getting read for my trip to Dallas which will include a class at my friend Lisa’s house and participating in my daughter’s sorority’s mom weekend, annnnnd getting all the desserts prepared in advance for the Passover seders which I will obviously be missing.  Sitting […]

Five Friday Favorites 04.08.16

If you’re spring breaking right now, lucky you!  Hope you’re having fun.  I am home this week with Mr. Picky who is back in school, while hubs and my daughter are visiting colleges.  Exciting stuff! For this edition of Five Friday Favorites, I wanted to highlight some great things I have been using in my classes […]

Dinner Planner: Week of March 7th

It is always such a joy when my daughter comes home from college for a visit.  We all really miss her and there’s nothing better than when our family is complete, especially around the dinner table.  Without getting too personal, this same daughter is also eating a grain-free diet for a little while to help […]

Dinner Planner: Week of February 8th

I decided to post this week’s dinner planner a day earlier in case you are shopping today for the Super Bowl like I am.  I figure I can get what I need for the first half of the week and then do another shop at the farmers market mid-week to fill in the blanks for […]

Dinner Planner: Week of February 1st

February already??!!  Indeed.  And lots happening this month, from Chinese New Year and the Super Bowl to Valentine’s Day and President’s Weekend.  So much to celebrate and eat!  I hope you have been finding the dinner planners helpful.  Many of my students have been talking about it in class, commenting that they are spending less money […]