Mastering School Lunches

My kids do not like to buy lunch at school, even if I wanted them to.  The options aren’t that great, but they also complain about long lines and then not having enough time to eat.  That definitely doesn’t fly with Mr. Picky who is very anxious to play ball as soon as possible after […]

Tex-Mex Tofu Scramble Recipe

I haven’t posted too many recipes with tofu because I am on the fence about it.  Unfermented soy, which includes tofu,  is not very easy to digest.  On the other hand, fermented tofu, such as tempeh, miso, shoyu and tamari have all been innoculated with a good bacteria, which has started the digestion process for […]

Avocado Toast

A perfect avocado completes me.  I have a mild obsession with them.  If you gave me a choice between mashed avocado on a piece of toast or an ice cream sandwich, I honestly wouldn’t even think twice about it!  I am more addicted to avocados than I ever was to sugar.  Hmmm, ok maybe not […]

Shrimp salsa recipe

We had such a fantastic visit with my family on Long Island last week.  I know I’ve said this before, but I really adore East Coast summers.  The energy is just so amazing.  But I also love living in Southern California, close to the beach, with a farmers market close by every day of the […]

Spicy honey-lemon green beans recipe

If you follow me on either Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you’ve probably figured out that I am back on Long Island at my parents’ house.  We picked up Daughter #1 on Saturday from her summer program in upstate NY.  I was so beyond excited to see her after 6 weeks, I was afraid I was […]