Five Friday Favorites: 4.21.17

Happy Friday!  I haven’t done a Favorites post in a while!  Here are some things I have been loving lately.  Have a great weekend, friends! Uuni Portable Pizza Oven When this Uni pizza oven arrived on out doorstep a few months ago, I thought my husband was crazy for ordering it.  It looked like an […]

Dinner Planner: Week of April 10th

I am knee-deep in shredded coconut and almond flour, preparing for Passover!  My mom is visiting for a few days and we’re having a great time, squeezing in some shopping, ladies’ lunches and museums in between cooking.  If you don’t observe Passover, you can look at the menus anyway and see if there’s something you […]

Greek Pasta Salad | Pamela Salzman

Greek Pasta Salad Recipe

My husband, my son and I just came back from a quick, but delightful, weekend in Park City, Utah. My son has 2 (!) weeks off for spring break and my husband and I do not have 2 weeks off LOL. We scooted away for a long weekend and I’m so glad we did.  It’s […]

Menu Ideas for Passover 2017

With Passover and Easter coming up fast, many of my students have been asking me after class what they should make for the holidays and the timing of it all.  Timing, timing, timing!!  It seems to be the reason for so much anxiety and I completely understand why.  Timing is everything! For those of you […]

Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Leeks with Roasted Garlic Dressing Recipe

I may or may not be posting a new Passover menu and timeline this year, merely because I might just use the same menu I posted 2 years ago.  Although 2 years ago I hosted both nights and this year I am splitting the holiday with my sister-in-law and we’ll each cook one night.  She […]