Planning a Happy Thanksgiving — 1 Week and Counting

This post was originally published on November 17, 2011. Wow, the last three weeks have gone by so quickly!  Not only am I very excited to celebrate Thanksgiving — we have a super fun crew joining us this year — but I am looking forward to some one-on-one time with the kids.  They are all […]

Kale, Mushroom and Brown Rice Bake | Pamela Salzman

Kale, mushroom and brown rice bake recipe

Daughter #1 is my 15-year-old who used to turn her nose at her plate if food groups were touching.  So you can imagine how very satisfying it was for me when she sighed, “I could eat Kale, Mushroom and Brown Rice Bake every day.”   Sigh.  Actually, both my daughters are crazy about this rice […]

Kale Pesto Recipe

When I was a child, my family ate pesto all the time in the summer and early fall.  In fact, to me the smell of basil, garlic and cheese in the food processor is synonymous with warm, lazy days at the beach or on my parents’ hammock under a big, breezy tree.  It was one […]

Year of the Dragon

  Chinese New Year is this Monday, January 23rd.  Although the latest passing food and health fads don’t hold my interest all that much,  traditional cultures that have been around for thousands of years fascinate me.  To better understand the symbolism behind Chinese New Year and this year’s animal, the dragon, I turned to my […]