Planning a happy thanksgiving — 1 week and counting!

This post has been edited from the original which was published on November 17, 2011. Wow, the last three weeks have gone by so quickly!  I am very excited to celebrate Thanksgiving — we have a super fun crew joining us this year — and I am also looking forward to some one-on-one time with […]

Vegan mac and cheese recipe

If someone tried to coax me a year ago with a “vegan mac and cheese” recipe, I would have politely said, “no, thank you.”  First of all, I actually don’t really like mac and cheese.  Not the boxed kind and not even the homemade kind.  Weird, I know.  And sad for my husband who looooooves […]

Kale salad with creamy lemon dressing (dairy-free recipe)

One of my students was joking with me a few weeks ago about who does the PR for the Kale Board, because they’re doing a pretty good job!  Think about it, who was eating kale 10 years ago?  I wasn’t, but I now buy several bunches of kale every week and consume it in so […]

Spinach Pizza Quesadilla Recipe

When I am hungry, I am not picky.  I can find a lot of different options in my refrigerator or pantry that will do the trick.  Give me last night’s roasted sweet potato or a couple dates stuffed with pecans and coconut or even a sprouted grain tortilla smeared with almond butter and wrapped around […]

Stir-fried soba noodles with vegetables and tofu

You know what’s harder than sticking to new year’s resolutions?  Getting back into a normal routine after you’ve had a very leisurely vacation away from home.  After two weeks of no mail, no work (sort of), no carpools, and no making lunches at 6:00 am (the biggest vacation of all!), this week was like a […]