Dinner Planner: Week of February 15th

I am enjoying a three-day weekend in Palm Springs for the President’s Day holiday!  It’s lovely to spend some quality time with my family and take a break from the kitchen for a short bit.  But that doesn’t mean I am not planning my meals for the week.  Since it is Lent, I will try […]

Dinner Planner: Week of February 1st

February already??!!  Indeed.  And lots happening this month, from Chinese New Year and the Super Bowl to Valentine’s Day and President’s Weekend.  So much to celebrate and eat!  I hope you have been finding the dinner planners helpful.  Many of my students have been talking about it in class, commenting that they are spending less money […]

Meal Prepping 101: What You Can Do Ahead

  Thank you for all your feedback on the recent dinner planner posts!  I have had several readers reach out to me asking about prepping ahead techniques, such as what vegetables are okay to prep in advance and what should be done at the last minute.  Even though I try to give prep ahead tips with […]

Dinner Planner: Week of January 25th

I hope all of you affected by this weekend’s blizzard are safe and sound.  Wishing you a speedy comeback! In this week’s dinner planner, I wanted to share how I go about choosing recipes for my family’s meal plan. Every Monday I choose a vegetarian meal for “Meatless Monday.”  But I always have at least […]

Dinner Planner: Week of January 18th

Happy Sunday!  I hope you are all having a great weekend.  Welcome to Week 3 of the Dinner Planner series.  If you missed the first two, no big deal.  Just jump in anytime for inspiration in planning your dinners for the week.  Here are the past two in case you want to take a peek. […]