Rustic butternut squash soup with fennel and wild rice

One way that I have learned how to be a more confident cook is by identifying certain “formula” recipes and then just changing the ingredients around to come up with something that seems like a different recipe. One day last year after I was bored with making Mushroom and Barley Soup for the umpteenth time, […]

Planning a Happy Thanksgiving — 1 Week and Counting

Wow, the last three weeks have gone by so quickly!  Not only am I very excited to celebrate Thanksgiving — we have a super fun crew joining us this year — but I am looking forward to some one-on-one time with the kids.  They are all going to help me this year.  They just don’t […]

Planning a Happy Thanksgiving — 3 Weeks and Counting

If you followed the advice in my post last Thursday, by now you probably have a general idea of how many guests you will be hosting on Thanksgiving.  If not, it’s time to get on the phone and do some inviting!  Do you have a good balanced menu and have you taken guests up on […]

Planning a Happy Thanksgiving — 4 Weeks and Counting

I adore Thanksgiving.  I love the traditions, the food, the Macy’s parade on television while I am making my pies, the football games.   I love moving the family room furniture after the last football game is over to extend the dining room table.   I love hearing everyone share why they’re grateful.  I have cooked every […]

It’s a date!

Most of us have a taste for sweet things, some of us more than others.  But it’s how we give in to that desire that can lead us to trouble.  I have studied nutrition both formally and on my own and one important thing that I have learned is that the body prefers whole, unprocessed […]