Dinner Planner – Week of July 5th, 2021

We have been having a fabulous time on Long Island and are staying through the holiday weekend!  For July 4th recipe ideas, please check last week’s dinner planner and my Instagram.  Stay safe and enjoy!!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

Dinner Planner – Week of June 21, 2021

Happy summer!! We JUST moved into our new house and let me give you all some advice – if you think you might move in the next 10 years, start the editing process today!  Holy moly, it’s a lot.  Exciting, but a lot.  We’ll be on IG live on Monday at 5 pm PT from […]

Dinner Planner – Week of June 14th, 2021

There’s a lot of excitement in the Salzman household lately.  My oldest daughter who lives in Dallas is going back to the office.  My younger daughter just got a job in Boston and is moving this summer. Mr. Picky, my youngest child (and who truly can no longer be considered “picky” by most standards), has […]

Zucchini Rollatini Recipe

Nevermind we’re barely into June, I am just jumping on the summer train and I am planning to stay on it for as looooong as possible!  Be prepared to see a lot of tomatoes, basil, corn, peaches, summer squash, blueberries, and melon in the near future.  That’s all I want to eat between now and […]

Dinner Planner – Week of June 7th, 2021

Happy weekend!  I just filmed my newest monthly class and it will be uploaded next week.  The entire class is about grilling – proteins, vegetables, starches, dessert!  If you don’t take my monthly classes, you should!  They are just like my in-person classes were – same format, 5 seasonal recipes, all my tips and tricks, […]