Unsweetened Slow Cooker Applesauce Recipe (oven version, too)

I don’t know about you, but we love having both cranberry sauce and applesauce on Thanksgiving and always the homemade kind.  It’s my tradition every year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving to make a huge pot of both and my house smells amazing.  When my kids see the huge pile of apple peels on the […]

Mastering School Lunches

My kids do not like to buy lunch at school, even if I wanted them to.  The options aren’t that great, but they also complain about long lines and then not having enough time to eat.  That definitely doesn’t fly with Mr. Picky who is very anxious to play ball as soon as possible after […]

Slow cooker apple pie steel cut oats recipe (stovetop version, too!)

I feel like whining.  Nooooo, I don’t waaaaaaant school to start tomorrow.  I have to wake up so eaaaarrrrrly.  Ugggh.  And lunnnnnnches.  Ok.  I’m done.  Thanks for listening. I think making breakfast, lunch and dinner during the school year is hard.  Sometimes I feel like I’m in a competition on a Food Network show.  Minutes […]

Blueberry sauce recipe (refined sugar-free)

I know what you’re thinking.   “We waited five whole days for a new recipe and it’s blueberry sauce?  That’s the best she could come up with?”  You know what, friends?  I have been busy!  Daughter #1 is still far, far away playing college student and Mr. Picky is at sleep away camp for two […]

Beet Green Crisps Recipe

Daughter #1 is lucky enough to be attending a great high school summer program at an East Coast university for the next 6 weeks.  My daughter, Mr. Picky, and I are currently en route to get her there and settled before he and I spend a week on Long Island with my family.  Because Daughter […]