Classic Coleslaw Recipe

Can we talk about mayonnaise for a minute?  Are you ok with it or does it repulse you?  Because from my experience, there’s no in between.  I have no issue with mayo, but so many people have textural issues with creamy food.  I have many students who won’t eat bananas, avocado or mayo. Some people […]

Dinner Planner: Week of July 25th

Sadly, this is our last week together as a family of five.  🙁  My older daughter is going away to a summer study program next week and then she’s going directly to school. So that means I have to cook some good stuff for her this week before she has to eat dining hall food […]

Dinner Planner: Week of June 20th

Oh, how I love summer cooking!  The farmers markets are so full of the most insanely delicious produce right now.  If you are not seeing tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini and peaches in your area, you will be soon!  This is the first week I am not making school lunch, so can I just say WOO HOO […]

Five Friday Favorites- 6.17.16

Some consider Memorial Day the start of summer, while others like to think of June 21st as the truly official beginning.  I say summer starts on the day after the last day of school.  So for me, summer just started this week and I couldn’t be more excited!  I am winding down my June classes […]

Dinner Planner: Week of June 6th

Happy Sunday!  I am preparing this week for one graduation — can you believe my second daughter is graduating from high school?  The big news is that she has decided to go to the same college as her sister, which was sort of a surprise but certainly makes my life easier!  My parents are coming […]