Dinner Planner – Week of May 16, 2022

Instagram Live on Monday will be with my friend Chrissy Roth, whom I dub “Plant-based Chrissy.” We’ve done lives together before and I’m excited to have her step in for Hubs on Monday. If you take my monthly online class, your all-new May class was uploaded last week and I’ve been getting great feedback already, […]

Sheet Pan Cauliflower Taco “Meat” Recipe

Looking for a plant-based taco recipe that doesn’t involve ultra-processed fake meat?  Me too!  I am really over all the fake meat products.  But I also understand that sometimes swapping cauliflower for meat is not going to cut it in terms of satiety.  This mixture of cauliflower rice, hemp seeds and finely chopped nuts + […]

Dinner Planner – Week of April 25, 2022

Big news!  I am bringing back two of my best bootcamps beginning the first week in May – Entertaining with Ease and Raising Healthy Eaters!!  I am probably not going to be offering bootcamps live again for the foreseeable future, so if you enjoy the one-on-one attention from taking the bootcamps with me and the […]

Kimchi Fried Rice Recipe

Oh my gosh, I am excited about this recipe!!  My whole family goes gaga for all fried rice dishes but this one is hands-down their favorite.  It is a total flavor party!!  In fact, I make it for my son one a week and reheat it for school lunch.  I’ve eaten kimchi fried rice with […]

Dinner Planner – Week of April 11, 2022

It has been busy in the Salzman household.  Mr. Picky just made it official and committed to a college for the fall!  Hubs and I will be empty nesters for the first time and it is bittersweet.  I want my children to be doing what they are supposed to be doing and thriving, but I […]