Dinner Planner: Week of May 2nd

I have a busy week ahead since it’s the start of a new month, which means I am introducing a new menu in my cooking classes.  Last month’s Mexican menu was a huge success and I hope to post some or most of those recipes eventually.  This Thursday is Cinco de Mayo and there are […]

Five Friday Favorites 03.25.16

Hello, hello!  It’s been a while since I’ve posted some favorites, but you know how it is when there’s a holiday coming up.  Everyone needs recipes! In my cooking classes the last few weeks, we’ve been chatting a lot about the pros and cons of eating grain-free, avoiding BPA and plastics, the effects of the […]

How to Make Bone Broth

My readers and my students are very in the know when it comes to food trends, especially the healthy ones.  So I’m sure you have all heard about bone broth and how it’s taking over the world.  It’s the newest thing!  It’s revolutionary!  So funny.  Bone broth is no trend, but in fact something that […]

Dinner Planner: Week of February 1st

February already??!!  Indeed.  And lots happening this month, from Chinese New Year and the Super Bowl to Valentine’s Day and President’s Weekend.  So much to celebrate and eat!  I hope you have been finding the dinner planners helpful.  Many of my students have been talking about it in class, commenting that they are spending less money […]

Dinner Planner: Week of January 18th

Happy Sunday!  I hope you are all having a great weekend.  Welcome to Week 3 of the Dinner Planner series.  If you missed the first two, no big deal.  Just jump in anytime for inspiration in planning your dinners for the week.  Here are the past two in case you want to take a peek. […]