Whole Grain and Almond Pulp Apple Quick Bread Recipe

I know not all of you are making your own almond milk and therefore aren’t desperate for almond pulp recipes.  But believe it or not, it’s one of the most common SOS’s I receive in my email inbox.  “More uses for almond pulp, please!”  “I have a freezer full — HELP!”  Believe me, I’m in […]

Curried Chicken Salad Recipe

I’m sure you all pushed away your keyboards and ran into the kitchen to poach chicken after Monday’s post, right?  Perfect!  Now let’s do something healthy and delish with your chicken.  I have a recipe for the BEST curried chicken salad I have ever eaten!   Even my family, which to my chagrin prefers more “simple” flavors, […]

Five friday favorites 2.13.15

It’s a long weekend for my family, yippee!!  I hope you are getting a little extra time off, too.  I have a few fab items I’ve been loving lately and sharing with my cooking class students.  Let me know what you think!   Jovial Foods Organic Tomatoes in GLASS Jars I don’t even know where […]

Five Friday Favorites 1.16.15

So much to be excited about today!  It’s Friday, hooray! and it’s a 3-day weekend.  Yippee!  And…I have a few more favorites to share.  Have a good one! Linen bowl covers As you know, I try to avoid plastic like the plague, which is why I was ecstatic when Jenni Kayne gave me these beautiful […]

DIY Gluten-free Multi-grain Porridge Recipe

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day not only because it jumpstarts your brain and your metabolism, gives you fuel to get going, provides energy until your next meal, but it also sets the tone for how you feel and what you crave the rest of the day. Hypothetically speaking, if I eat […]