Broccoli stalk soup recipe

This month I’ve been teaching a broccoli and cauliflower stir-fry in my classes.  I am using only the florets since I know the stalks aren’t as popular in my house.  It’s all very well and good, except for the fact that I’ve been left at the end of each week with a heck of a […]

Stir-fried soba noodles with vegetables and tofu

You know what’s harder than sticking to new year’s resolutions?  Getting back into a normal routine after you’ve had a very leisurely vacation away from home.  After two weeks of no mail, no work (sort of), no carpools, and no making lunches at 6:00 am (the biggest vacation of all!), this week was like a […]

Mexican Chopped Salad Recipe

  Very often I have an idea for a recipe and it takes me a few times to get it right.  In fact, usually it takes me more than a few times!  But once in a blue moon, I try something on the fly and I love it on the spot, like culinary love at […]

Grilled Fish Tacos Recipe

I think you should have a Cinco de Mayo party!  Wouldn’t that be fun?  Even if you’re not up for hosting a bunch of people next Saturday night, you at least need to prepare some delicious Mexican-inspired food for your family.  Who needs to go to the local overcrowded Mexican restaurant and eat greasy, over-sauced, […]