The perfect spring salad recipe

I just had to squeeze in this last recipe before Easter (and Passover) in the hopes that some of you are still looking for inspiration!  I taught this salad all last month in my classes and it was THE salad I seemed to make all the time last year when I had people over for […]

Five friday favorites 2.27.15

Happy Friday!  I hope you had a great week.  I just completed a really interesting experiment called “Cooking My Kitchen.”  Almost a month ago I was pulling together my list of dinners to make for the upcoming week and the accompanying grocery list to go with it.  But when I looked in my freezer, refrigerator […]

Five Friday Favorites 01.09.15

Happy new year, friends!  I hope the holidays treated you well.  Everyone I know is trying to start fresh, clear the clutter, detox, get organized, simplify!!  Today I have a few of my favorite things to share that may help you stick to those ambitious resolutions!   Crispy Crunchy Broccoli Florets from Trader Joe’s Are […]

Holiday Test Kitchen with Zelana Montminy and Gina Ragnone

A few weeks ago, my friends Zelana and Gina came over to play in the kitchen with me.  The three of us all have the love of cooking in common, but more specifically, cooking with natural foods.  Zelana, whom her readers call Dr. Z.,  has her masters and doctorate degrees in clinical psychology, is a wellness […]