Dinner Planner: Week of January 4th

Happy new year to one and all!  I hope 2016 is off to a wonderful start for you and your families.  January 1 signifies a fresh start to many, although I do think we have many opportunities to wipe the slate and start anew, including every morning!  But if you have made any resolutions and […]

Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2015 — 1 week and counting

This post has been edited from the original which was published on November 17, 2011. Is it just me, or have the last few weeks flown by??  I am getting super excited for Thanksgiving.  We have a great group joining us this year, although I am still unsure about how many we’ll be.  The latest count […]

Five Friday Favorites 10.16.15

Happy Friday, my fair readers.  Another Friday, another weather update.  It is still heat-waving here in Southern California and we are even more over it than when we said we were so over it 4 weeks ago!  So yes, my husband broke down and bought air conditioning last week.  The company came to install it […]

Five Friday Favorites- 10.02.15

Hello, Friday and hello, October!  It sure does NOT feel like fall around here, except for the overflowing stacks of pumpkins and winter squashes at the market lately.  I decided to get with the spirit and make pumpkin pancakes for breakfast this week.  Delicious, but I would have felt cooler with a smoothie bowl.  Except […]

California Nicoise Salad Recipe

I just arrived in New York for my annual summer vacay with my parents, my sisters and their families.  We’ve descended upon my parents’ house in Long Island for a week of old fashioned backyard fun with a few trips to the beach and the ice cream parlor.  It also involves some serious menu planning for […]