Apple Fritter Skillet Cake Recipe

There aren’t enough apple desserts in the world for me!  I love apples and all the different varieties. You’ve seen me eat raw apple slices with flaky salt (don’t knock it til you try it!), sauteed apples on pancakes and oatmeal, roasted apples with yogurt or ice cream, and many different apple cakes, galettes, pies […]

Dinner Planner – Week of November 20, 2023

Thanksgiving is this week!!  I am looking forward to spending the holiday with my family.  The food is always fun, but definitely secondary.  I have no more new recipes coming this week because you all should have committed to a menu by now.  If not, do it so you can start prepping! If you need help, I have […]

Dinner Planner – Week of November 6, 2023

So much Thanksgiving excitement happening here! Thanksgiving is on Thursday, November 23rd.  Here are some ways I am here for you! (1) I have a new Thanksgiving cooking class up which you can purchase and watch on your own time.  Click here for more details.  There is also an option to become a subscriber and […]

Dinner Planner – Week of October 23, 2023

I am back from my trip to Paris and even though I missed Hubs, it was too quick! I spent a few days with dear friends and then joined a small group hosted by reps from Staub in the US.  We went to the Staub factory in Merville, France, which was like being a kid […]

Breakfast Nachos Recipe

This is a fun take on traditional nachos which normally use tortilla chips as a base. You can certainly use chips here with all the fun breakfast toppings, but other options are whole grain waffles, pancakes, or waffle fries. Personally, I like the indentations in waffles to catch all the toppings! Basically, anything that you […]