Dinner planner - Week of May 21st 2018 | Pamela Salzman

Dinner Planner – Week of May 21st 2018

I am in Dallas as you read this, so forgive me if I’m not quite as present on Instagram as usual.  It’s not every day that my daughter graduates from college!  My husband and I are beaming with pride as we celebrate her and her achievement with our extended family.  I’ll be back soon, but […]

Roasted Cherry Tomato and Feta Salad | Pamela Salzman

Roasted Cherry Tomato and Feta Salad Recipe

I have had the pleasure of reading and cooking from several books recently that have been written by friends.  The latest is “I Love California” by California native and celebrity interior designer, Nathan Turner.  Nathan is the sweetest guy and uber talented.  I met him at Jenni Kayne’s house many years ago for a shoot […]

Dinner Planner – Week of April 30th 2018

I had a very, very busy week and I am so looking forward to chilling out this weekend before another very busy week! I am starting a new menu in my in-person cooking classes this week and I will be speaking at two conferences at the end of the week in Minneapolis at the Beauty […]

Dinner Planner - Week of March 26th 2018 | Pamela Salzman

Dinner Planner – Week of March 26th 2018

Mercury is in retrograde.  That’s what I was told is the reason that my week was INSANE!  I really felt like the energy in the universe was a little wonky this week.  Saturday I am off to NY to see my family for a bit and then do a little work.  Check my Instagram and […]

Greek-style Grilled Chicken Paillard | Pamela Salzman

Greek-style Grilled Chicken Paillard Recipe

I like to plan ahead, even if things don’t always work out that way.  Sometimes half the fun is in the planning, such as a vacation or an upcoming weekend.  And sometimes the anticipation is better than the reality LOL!  I do a lot of food planning – classes, family meals for the week, and […]