Cinnamon Roll Pancakes Recipe

I always want to make cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning and then I get too busy and can’t pull it off.  Let me tell you, these pancakes taste like a cinnamon roll, are WAY easier, and much healthier!  My family goes totally crazy for them and hubs has declared, “these are the best pancakes ever!”  […]

Apple Amaretti Crisp Recipe

I will never tire of fresh, seasonal fruit crisps.  They’re easy and everyone loves them.  The Amaretti cookies get crushed and swapped in for rolled oats in a classic crisp.  You can swap some pears for apples and add in some fresh cranberries if you like. I found Amaretti cookies at Cost Plus World Market. […]

Dinner Planner – Week of December 11, 2023

Oooops!  I’m a little delayed getting this week’s dinner planner to you.  So sorry!  I wish I could say I have bought all my gifts and finalized our menu for Christmas, but that is not the case!  I am headed to The Golden Door by myself today for a few days of R&R and I […]

Dinner Planner – Week of November 13, 2023

Wow, Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks away!  Do not panic – I am here for you and it is going to be great!  Subscribe (for free) to my newsletter where I share helpful tips on what you can do ahead of time week to week.  Also, I have an epic Thanksgiving E-Book with almost […]

Chocolate Chunk Pecan Slab Pie Recipe

Before I start talking about pie, my Thanksgiving ebook is available and here to help you!  It’s a PDF with over 100 of my best Thanksgiving recipes, tips and tricks for $15.  No searching the website for hours.  Everything you need to know is in one printable book! I am bringing back the slab pie!  […]