Balsamic Roasted Rutabagas Recipe

WHAT A WEEK I’VE HAD.  Everything is just great except for the fact that my hard drive crashed.  Where it “crashed” and how it crashed, I have no idea.  But this is what Apple told me after I spent an hour on the phone trouble shooting my not-working computer and then at the store, where […]

How to Make Healthy and Delicious Summer Rolls *VIDEO*

I love summer rolls — crunchy, fresh, and flavorful all wrapped in a delicate rice paper wrapper.  Summer rolls are one of those things I never thought I could make at home.  The wrappers, the rolling, the sauce!  Not only are they way easier than I imagined, but they can be quite the nutritious dish to […]

Five Friday Favorites 07.10.15 Foods for a Good Gut

Happy Friday, friends!  Guess what happened to me after I came back from Mexico?  I got sick!  I couldn’t believe it.  My girlfriend did too, and our husbands were spared, thankfully.  I am not going to bore you and gross you out with the very unpleasant details, but suffice it to say my digestive system was compromised for a […]

Fiesta salad with salsa vinaigrette recipe

Whenever I plan the amount of food I make in my classes, I always make sure I have tons of whatever salad I am teaching.  96% of my students are women and women loooooove salad.  And so do I.  I could eat salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  First course, side dish or main course. […]