Dinner Planner – Week of July 15, 2024

I try in summer meal plans to offer a mix of quick-cooking recipes that don’t keep you at the stove for a long time but also because I notice I prefer spending more time outdoors than cooking right now.  Plus, the food that tends to be in season right now happens to cook more quickly!!  I am enjoying basil, tomatoes, green beans, zucchini and zucchini flowers, corn, melon and peaches!!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Dinner Planner – Week of July 8, 2024

I hope you are having a relaxing and enjoyable holiday weekend.  We spent a lovely couple days with friends in Montecito and had 2 out of 3 kids with us, so I was on Cloud 9!  I loved seeing so many Flag Cookies this week on IG.  Thanks for tagging me!  Back to cooking – it is tomato season and I will not be apologizing for including tomatoes multiple times a week for the next couple months!  The July cooking class has been uploaded and the recipes are fabulous, plus you’ll learn a lot from this class.  Click here to check it out!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Dinner Planner – Week of July 1, 2024

So much happening here this week!  First of all, the July cooking class will be uploaded on Monday.  Here’s the delicious and healthy summer menu:

Grilled Steak & Veggie Kabobs 

Grilled Portobello “Steak” Sandwiches

Salad with Melon “Carpaccio”

Farro Salad with Roasted Jalapeño Dressing 

Mixed Berry Pie with Ginger Streusel and Press-in Crust 

Also, it is a holiday week!  Do you have house guests?  Are you a house guest?  Are you hosting a barbeque? Lots of great inspo for you this week!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Dinner Planner – Week of June 24, 2024

Happy Summer, officially!  In my Substack newsletter on Monday, I am doing a deep dive into grilling and how to grill more healthfully.  Plus I came up with a brand new meal that is my new favorite and I can’t stop making it!  On Instagram, I’ll be sharing some inspo for summer meals and Fourth of July.  Lastly, if you take my cooking class online, I am hosting a live zoom Q&A this Wednesday at noon PST.  Check your email for the link.  Plus, the July class is being uploaded soon (on July 1!). Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Dinner Planner – Week of June 17, 2024

My daughter Anna is home for a week and she said, “I just want to come home and open the fridge and see all the food.” LOL I will not let her be disappointed. For most people, kids are out of school and summer is in full swing.  I am shifting from warm soups to chilled soups, more entree salads, and using my grill more.  

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads!  If you are missing your father like I am, I am holding space for you in my heart.  ❤️ Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Dinner Planner – Week of June 10, 2024

Happy weekend, friends! I’m transitioning dinner planners to summer right about now.  In Southern California, we’re starting to see the beginnings of stone fruit and tomatoes which always makes me giddy.  I also start to cook a little more simply and lighter.  I have noticed more people cooking at home lately because restaurant prices are really high.  That said, so are grocery prices! I will do an upcoming newsletter on saving money at the grocery store. It will always be less expensive to cook at home and in general, better for your health.  That’s why I started teaching cooking classes 15 years ago!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Dinner Planner – Week of June 3, 2024

New month, new cooking class!  The June class was so much fun for me to create.  I put my spin on some Italian classics and some that you may never have heard of.  This month’s class is available to watch on your own time and I promise you’ll always learn something new!  Recipes in online classes are exclusive to cooking class students and not published anywhere else.  June’s menu is:

Arugula Salad with Pasta, Zucchini and Pepperoncini Dressing

Eggplant “Milanese” with Basil-Jalapeño Sauce

No-Lettuce Italian Chopped Salad

Sbrisolona (an Italian crumble tart)

Sheet Pan Chicken Piccata

As always, here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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