Easy Homemade Seed Crackers Recipe (Gluten-Free)

These homemade, grain-free seed crackers are a super easy recipe that offers a satisfying crunch that perfectly complements their nutty, wholesome flavor. Eat them on their own or with a spread of avocado or schmear, and enjoy this nutrient-packed snack!    Photography by Devon Francis

Dinner Planner – Week of June 10, 2024

Happy weekend, friends! I’m transitioning dinner planners to summer right about now.  In Southern California, we’re starting to see the beginnings of stone fruit and tomatoes which always makes me giddy.  I also start to cook a little more simply and lighter.  I have noticed more people cooking at home lately because restaurant prices are […]

Dinner Planner – Week of May 20, 2024

If you have any kids or grandkids graduating from college or high school, congratulations!  This is a very exciting time for so many kids and their families.  My son just finished his sophomore year of college and it is speeding by.  This is also a fun time of year because it’s close to the unofficial […]

Dinner Planner – Week of May 13, 2024

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone! If you are a mom, I hope you give yourself the gift of love, grace and self-compassion. It is the hardest job and doing our best with the resources we have is all we can strive for. If you need to nudge your loved ones to make you something special, […]