Dinner Planner: Week of May 16th

Holy moly, the end of the school year is upon us and doesn’t it feel like there are so many events being crammed in at the last minute?  It’s such a busy time of year and it’s flying by.  Speaking of flying by, my younger daughter had her prom this weekend and I. JUST. CAN’T. BELIEVE. […]

Dinner Planner: Week of February 29th

I have a very busy week ahead of me with recipe testing and photographing for the blog, so I will not necessarily be following this dinner planner exactly.  But I think this is a great set of recipes for the week ahead.  In addition, my older daughter is coming home from college on Friday for spring break […]

Turmeric latte recipe

My friend Alex sent me an email a few weeks ago with the subject line: “new obsession”.  Alex and I have very similar tastes in food and she is also not one for melodrama, so I knew this was an email I was interested in reading.  She proceeded to write: ” I have a new obsession. […]

Dinner Planner – Week of June 10, 2024

Happy weekend, friends! I’m transitioning dinner planners to summer right about now.  In Southern California, we’re starting to see the beginnings of stone fruit and tomatoes which always makes me giddy.  I also start to cook a little more simply and lighter.  I have noticed more people cooking at home lately because restaurant prices are […]

Dinner Planner – Week of December 18, 2023

We’re in the Christmas home stretch!  I hope you’re staying healthy and sane in these last weeks of 2023.  A couple of admin notes.  I was just invited to be a guest chef at The Golden Door the week of January 21, 2024. This is an actual dream come true for me since The Golden […]