Vegan Brookies Recipe (Gluten-free)

BIG NEWS!!!  I am offering two game-changing bootcamps starting next week!  I would love to have you in Plant-Based 2.0 if you are looking to do a deeper dive into plant-based eating and cooking.  The plant-based diet is truly the best way to eat for most people. It doesn’t mean vegan and you don’t have to give up all animal products forever.  This is my favorite course I have ever created.  Please join me and other great members of my community.  There’s no time like the present to eat and cook for better health!  Please use the code YESPB2 for $100 off and I do have payment plan options!  The other course I am starting next week is Raising Healthy Eaters. I taught this once before and my email was flooded with success stories and gratitude after this course.  Believe me, I have been there and I have also come out the other end with three healthy eaters. If you are struggling, join me next week.  You will be in good hands.  🙂 Use the code KIDS100 for $100 off the course!Continue reading